Thanks for the notes, Chris. Hopefully that'll help other people who are
trying to upgrade old installs.

I should point out for anyone else reading the notes that you were able to
get away with not needing the old secret key because you're (I'm assuming)
using something like LDAP or NIS or Active Directory. In these cases, we
don't store an encrypted password in the database, so it should be fine.
However, if you have *any* built-in auth accounts (like an initially created
admin user), you'll probably want to use your old secret key. Or just use it
anyway, it should be safe enough.

Hope things go well for your users, and thanks for all the patches you've
been providing recently!


Christian Hammond -
Review Board -
VMware, Inc. -

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Chris Clark <> wrote:

> Just a quick note that I was able to upgrade from Reviewboard 0.9 to
> Yes zero point nine to latest (stable)
> 0.9 pre-dates the rb-site so I simply had to:
>   1. Use rb-site to deploy a NEW EMPTY reviewboard server (yup, with a
>      new secret key, I didn't have to mess with it at all)
>   2. Copy over my screenshots by hand
>   3. Update the settings file (and/or) copy across the old database to
>      the new location. The database is out of date at this point so...
>   4. issue: sudo rb-site manage /var/www/reviewboard evolve -- --execute
>   5. issue: sudo rb-site manage /var/www/reviewboard syncdb
>   6. Change ownership of files (e.g. screenshots), issue: sudo chown -R
>      www-data /var/www/reviewboard
> Obviuosly  /var/www/reviewboard and the user name are specific to my
> site. I'm using Ubuntu LTS 8.04:
>    ing...@reviews:~$ uname -a
>    Linux reviews 2.6.24-24-server #1 SMP Fri Sep 18 17:24:10 UTC 2009
>    i686 GNU/Linux
>    ing...@reviews:~$ cat /etc/*elease*
>    DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu
>    DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS"
> I actually tested out the upgrade earlier in the week on a copy of the
> live system so I knew what I was in for. Total down time on live was 50
> mins (which included an upgrade of the bins for the OS via "sudo apt-get
> update ; sudo apt-get upgrade").
> The last time I did an upgrade, evolve did not work (again I was using a
> pre 1.0 release) and I had to hack some SQL together to upgrade the
> database. So this upgrade was a real pleasure, rb-site is awesome!
> Not sure if this will be useful to everyone but thought I'd share the
> information just in case.
> I'll find out tomorrow what my users see :-)
> Thanks again to Chris, David, and everyone else for making ReviewBoard
> available.
> Chris
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