Chris Clark wrote:
> On Oct 29, 2:22 am, Christian Hammond <> wrote:
>> I should point out for anyone else reading the notes that you were able to
>> get away with not needing the old secret key because you're (I'm assuming)
>> using something like LDAP or NIS or Active Directory. In these cases, we
>> don't store an encrypted password in the database, so it should be fine.
>> However, if you have *any* built-in auth accounts (like an initially created
>> admin user), you'll probably want to use your old secret key. Or just use it
>> anyway, it should be safe enough.
> We're currently using built-in auth (we're hoping to move to LDAP/AD
> soon as we already have AD setup for other stuff). Weird... I know!
> Thought it was worth mentioning as it (potentially) saves a step.
> I didn't purge cookies, I did have to login using the regular login
> form so I think the auth really is working (rather than cookie
> caching). I'm guessing the per-password salt is stored in the database
> along with the HMAC rather than using the site setting shared key (but
> this is just a wild guess).
> I should point out that I'm not storing auth for SCM's (all the SCM's
> we use do NOT use auth) which maybe where the shared key may be used.
> If I get burned by this later with other security stuff I'll report
> back :-)

Follow up after a days usage after the upgrade.

Not sure if I've been burned but cookies on client machines expired, 
which makes sense (the server did change).

Some of my users had REALLY old postreview clients that had the "looping 
when auth fails" bug 
<>, which was 
fixed a while back.

Moral of the story, make sure your users upgrade postreview when asked 
to :-)

I did have one review that had a last_updated time in the future (some 
time in 2011) which meant that one review was constantly at the top of 
the review list with an "Updated 0 minutes ago" note on it. I didn't own 
the review so I ended up cheating and updating the record:

    $ sudo rb-site manage /var/www/reviewboard shell
    import datetime
    from import ReviewRequest, 
ReviewRequestDraft, Screenshot

    # review to update id is 405
    mydate = datetime.datetime(2009, 05, 21, 19, 15, 0) # date it was 
    x.last_updated = mydate

Using SQL would have worked too.

I've not done any benchmarking but the new release "feels" faster to me 
compared with 0.9.


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