Chris Clark wrote:
Follow up after a days usage after the upgrade.

Follow up a number of months later :-)

It turns out I also hit a problem with missing screenshots, but no error for the user see:

I.e. user uploads a screen shot image/picture BUT it shows up as a blank box in Reviewboard.

The screenshots were in the old media directory (even recently uploaded ones). Simply updating the settings via the admin interface was all I needed to do.

We didn't notice this for a long time as screen shots are rarely used (most of our reviews are of server processes with no UI). E.g. URL:


then click on the site, then update the media entry (i.e. 'site_media_root').

The admin user may see errors in the apache log, related to missing dirs (and permissions), e.g.:

grep -i exist /var/log/apache2/error.log  # or where ever the log file is...
[Tue May 25 02:21:15 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/reviewboard/htdocs/media/uploaded/images/2010, referer: .........


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