So I decided to go back through and document the behavior of each variation:

'/reviewboard/'                ''
                 Page Not Found (404 error for ^reviewboard)
'/reviewboard/'                '/'
                Page Not Found (404 error for ^reviewboard)
'/'                                  '/reviewboard'
                 Redirects to /account/login without "reviewboard" in url
'/'                                  '/reviewboard/'
                Redirects to /account/login without "reviewboard" in url
'/'                                  'reviewboard/'
                 Redirects to http://localhostreviewboard//dashboard/

If it helps, the error page I get for the first two entries (the 404 error)

Page not found (404)Request Method:GETRequest URL:http://localhost/

Using the URLconf defined in djblets.util.rooturl, Django tried these URL
patterns, in this order:

   1. ^reviewboard/

The current URL, , didn't match any of these.

I made sure to set Debug = True so I could get this message ... any ideas?

On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Christian Hammond <>wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> When we build URLs, we use SITE_ROOT as the prefix for the path. So that
> must always be "/reviewboard/".
> You said you tried multiple combinations. If you set SITE_ROOT (and then
> restart Apache), what other problems did you hit?
> Christian
> --
> Christian Hammond -
> Review Board -
> VMware, Inc. -
> On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 3:21 PM, Eric Mann <> wrote:
>> Running Review Board 1.5.5 on Apache 2.2 under Windows Server 2003.  Just
>> about everything works beautifully, except ...
>> The subdirectory is stripped off of the URL in rare cases.
>> I'm running Review Board as http://devserver/reviewboard/  This way it
>> can run along side Trac (http://devserver/trac/).  Unfortunately, the
>> /reviewboard/ randomly disappears at times:
>>    - If I'm logged out and try to navigate to
>>    http://devserver/reviewboard, the browser redirects to
>>    http://devserver/account/login/?next_page=/reviewboard//dashboard/
>>    - If I'm logged in and log out, the browser redirects to
>>    http://devserver/account/login/
>>    - If I try to close a review (as submitted, discarded, or delete), the
>>    browser tries to make a request from
>>    http://devserver/api/json/reviewrequests/2/close/submitted/ rather
>>    than
>>    http://devserver/reviewboard/api/json/reviewrequests/2/close/submitted/
>> This isn't a showstopper in terms of personal usability, as I can still
>> use Review Board just fine and it still integrates with TortoiseHg as
>> expected.  However, it is a major problem when it comes to working with
>> other developers and to streamlining our development process.  I need to
>> figure out what's going wrong with the URL redirection and fix it quickly.
>> For reference:
>>    - I'm running mod_wsgi, and I understand this has been a problem in
>>    the past as well.
>>    - I have tried every possible variation of "/" "/reviewboard"
>>    "reviewboard/" "/reviewboard/" I could come up with for both SITE_ROOT and
>> Here's the VirtualHost directive from Apache:
>> <VirtualHost *:80>
>> ServerName devserver
>>  DocumentRoot "E:/Inception/ReviewBoard/htdocs"
>> # Error handlers
>>  ErrorDocument 500 /errordocs/500.html
>> WSGIPassAuthorization On
>>  WSGIScriptAlias "/reviewboard"
>> "E:/Inception/ReviewBoard/htdocs/reviewboard.wsgi"
>> WSGIScriptAlias "/trac" "E:/Inception/Trac/cgi-bin/trac.wsgi"
>> <Location '/trac'>
>> AuthType Basic
>> AuthName "Trac"
>>  AuthUserFile E:/Inception/Trac/.htpasswd
>> Require valid-user
>> </Location>
>> <Directory "E:/Inception/ReviewBoard/htdocs">
>> AllowOverride All
>>  </Directory>
>> <Directory "E:/Inception/Trac/htdocs">
>>  WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
>> Order allow,deny
>> Allow from All
>>  </Directory>
>> # Alias static media requests to filesystem
>>  Alias /reviewboard/media "E:/Inception/ReviewBoard/htdocs/media"
>> Alias /reviewboard/errordocs "E:/Inception/ReviewBoard/htdocs/errordocs"
>>  Alias /trac/chrome/common "E:/Inception/Trac/htdocs/common"
>> Alias /trac/chrome/site "E:/Inception/Trac/htdocs/site"
>> </VirtualHost>
>> And my file:
>> # Site-specific configuration settings for Review Board
>> # Definitions of these settings can be found at
>> #
>> # Database configuration
>> DATABASE_ENGINE = 'mysql'
>> DATABASE_NAME = 'reviewboard'
>> DATABASE_USER = 'reviewboard'
>> DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'password'
>> DATABASE_HOST = 'localhost'
>> # Unique secret key. Don't share this with anybody.
>> SECRET_KEY = ...
>> # Cache backend settings.
>> CACHE_BACKEND = 'memcached://localhost:11211/'
>> # Extra site information.
>> SITE_ID = 1
>> SITE_ROOT = '/'
>> FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME = '/reviewboard/'
>> DEBUG = True
>> I think this might have something to do with the way Review Board and
>> Django are talking to each other and how they're redirecting the URL ... but
>> I'm not 100% sure.  Ideas?
>> --
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>  --
> Want to help the Review Board project? Donate today at
> Happy user? Let us know at
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