Ok, it seems that i had misconfiguration with memcache.

I've tried generating new site with sqlite, and it was fast. So then i 
looked at the configs, and saw that on my current config memcache was set 

This was because i have ran rb-site with --noinput and 
specified --cache-type='memcached' without --cache-info. So memache was 
partialy configured. I saw that yesterday on the interface (System Settings 
-> General) and changed Cache Host to localhost:11211. But it seems that 
did not make any difference, and only manually changing settings_local.py 

Thanks for help :)

On Friday, February 7, 2014 8:40:01 AM UTC+2, Gytis wrote:
> On Friday, February 7, 2014 8:15:47 AM UTC+2, Christian Hammond wrote:
>> On the server, run:
>>     rb-site manage /path/to/site runserver
>> (Or pick another port if that is taken.)
>> That's going to make use of Django's built-in single-threaded development 
>> server. You can then repeat the request using that port and see if you 
>> still get the 3 second delay.
> Same results:
> -2014-02-07 08:29:43--  http://localhost:8181/
> Resolving localhost (localhost)...
> Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:8181... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 MOVED PERMANENTLY
> Location: http://localhost:8181/dashboard/ [following]
> --2014-02-07 08:29:46--  http://localhost:8181/dashboard/
> Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:8181... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 FOUND
> Location: 
> http://localhost:8181/account/login/?next_page=/dashboard/[following]
> --2014-02-07 08:29:49--  
> http://localhost:8181/account/login/?next_page=/dashboard/
> So .. database issue? I've tried connecting with psql, no problem there. 
> My database config:
> 'default': {
>         'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
>         'NAME': 'reviewboard',
>         'USER': 'reviewboard',
>         'PASSWORD': 'xxxxxxxxxx',
>         'HOST': 'localhost',
>         'PORT': '',
>     },

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