Hi Zach,

Sorry, I haven’t had a chance yet.

I just glanced through and the schema does look correct, as does the list of 
applied evolutions.  Can you get me the contents of your django_project_version 
and django_evolution tables? That’ll give me a better understanding of how 
Django Evolution thinks the world looks.


Christian Hammond - christ...@beanbaginc.com
Review Board - http://www.reviewboard.org
Beanbag, Inc. - http://www.beanbaginc.com

On August 21, 2014 at 1:24:01 PM, Zach Auclair (zach...@gmail.com) wrote:

Hey Christian,

Have you had a chance to look into this? Is there any other information I can 
get you?


On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 10:11 PM, Zach Auclair <zach...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Chris,

The output of the "list-evolutions" command is actually included in my last 
paragraph in the original post - see "... in "list-evolutions" form."

I have attached the current schema generated by `pg_dump --schema-only ...`.

On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Christian Hammond <christ...@beanbaginc.com> 
Hmm, that shouldn’t be happening. Can you run this and show me what you see:

    $ rb-site manage /path/to/site list-evolutions

Also, can you dump the schema of your database and attach it?

- Christian

Christian Hammond - christ...@beanbaginc.com
Review Board - http://www.reviewboard.org
Beanbag, Inc. - http://www.beanbaginc.com

On August 15, 2014 at 12:11:45 PM, Zach (zach...@gmail.com) wrote:

I'm trying to "rb-site upgrade" an old 1.5.5 database to 2.0.5.

This fails with:

Rebuilding directory structure
Updating database. This may take a while.

The log output below, including warnings and errors,
can be ignored unless upgrade fails.

------------------ <begin log output> ------------------
Creating tables ...
There are unapplied evolutions for auth.
There are unapplied evolutions for contenttypes.
There are unapplied evolutions for sessions.
There are unapplied evolutions for accounts.
There are unapplied evolutions for changedescs.
There are unapplied evolutions for diffviewer.
There are unapplied evolutions for reviews.
There are unapplied evolutions for scmtools.
Project signature has changed - an evolution is required
Installing custom SQL ...
Installing indexes ...
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
The stored evolutions do not completely resolve all model changes.

Run `./manage.py evolve --hint` to see a suggestion for the changes required.

The following are the changes that could not be resolved:
The application markup has been deleted
In model reviews.DefaultReviewer:
    In field 'repository':
        Property 'null' has changed
In model reviews.ReviewRequest:
    In field 'repository':
        Property 'null' has changed
CommandError: Your models contain changes that Django Evolution cannot resolve 

The suggested --hint's are:

#----- Evolution for auth
from django_evolution.mutations import ChangeMeta, DeleteModel

    ChangeMeta('Permission', 'unique_together', ((u'content_type', 
#----- Evolution for contenttypes
from django_evolution.mutations import ChangeMeta

    ChangeMeta('ContentType', 'unique_together', (('app_label', 'model'),))
#----- Evolution for sessions
from django_evolution.mutations import ChangeField

    ChangeField('Session', 'expire_date', initial=None, db_index=True)
#----- Evolution for accounts
from django_evolution.mutations import AddField, ChangeMeta, DeleteField
from django.db import models
from djblets.db.fields import JSONField

    AddField('Profile', 'should_send_email', models.BooleanField, initial=True),
    AddField('Profile', 'timezone', models.CharField, initial=u'UTC', 
    AddField('Profile', 'open_an_issue', models.BooleanField, initial=True),
    AddField('Profile', 'extra_data', JSONField, null=True),
    AddField('Profile', 'show_closed', models.BooleanField, initial=True),
    AddField('Profile', 'is_private', models.BooleanField, initial=False),
    DeleteField('Profile', 'show_submitted'),
    ChangeMeta('ReviewRequestVisit', 'unique_together', ((u'user', 
#----- Evolution for changedescs
from django_evolution.mutations import AddField
from django.db import models

    AddField('ChangeDescription', 'rich_text', models.BooleanField, 
CommandError: Cannot use hinted evolution: AddField or ChangeField mutation for 
'FileDiff.status' in 'diffviewer' requires user-specified initial value.

The completed evolutions are:

reviewboard=> select * from django_evolution;
 id | version_id |  app_label  |                    label
  1 |          4 | diffviewer  | add_parent_diffs
  2 |          4 | reviews     | change_descriptions
  3 |          4 | scmtools    | bugzilla_url_charfield
  4 |          5 | attachments | file_attachment_orig_filename
  5 |          5 | attachments | file_attachment_file_max_length_512
  6 |          5 | attachments | file_attachment_repo_info
  7 |          5 | attachments | file_attachment_repo_path_no_index
  8 |          5 | attachments | file_attachment_repo_revision_max_length_64
  9 |          5 | site        | localsite_public
 10 |          5 | hostingsvcs | account_hosting_url
 11 |          5 | hostingsvcs | account_hosting_url_max_length_255
 12 |          5 | hostingsvcs | account_unique_together_baseline
(12 rows)

reviewboard=> \d django_evolution
                                   Table "public.django_evolution"
   Column   |          Type          |                           Modifiers
 id         | integer                | not null default 
 version_id | integer                | not null
 app_label  | character varying(200) | not null
 label      | character varying(100) | not null
    "django_evolution_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "django_evolution_version_id" btree (version_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "django_evolution_version_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (version_id) REFERENCES 
django_project_version(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED


... in "list-evolutions" form:

Applied evolutions for 'attachments':

Applied evolutions for 'diffviewer':

Applied evolutions for 'hostingsvcs':

Applied evolutions for 'reviews':

Applied evolutions for 'scmtools':

Applied evolutions for 'site':

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