amaliujia commented on code in PR #40496:

@@ -59,10 +61,39 @@ trait SQLQueryTestHelper extends Logging {
   protected def getNormalizedQueryAnalysisResult(
       session: SparkSession, sql: String): (String, Seq[String]) = {
+    // Note that creating the following DataFrame includes eager execution for 
commands that create
+    // objects such as views. Therefore any following queries that reference 
these objects should
+    // find them in the catalog.
     val df = session.sql(sql)
     val schema = df.schema.catalogString
-    // Get the answer, but also get rid of the #1234 expression IDs that show 
up in analyzer plans.
-    (schema, Seq(replaceNotIncludedMsg(df.queryExecution.analyzed.toString)))
+    val analyzed = df.queryExecution.analyzed
+    // Determine if the analyzed plan contains any nondeterministic 
+    var deterministic = true
+    analyzed.transformAllExpressionsWithSubqueries {
+      case expr: CurrentDate =>
+        deterministic = false
+        expr
+      case expr: CurrentTimestampLike =>
+        deterministic = false
+        expr
+      case expr: CurrentUser =>
+        deterministic = false
+        expr
+      case expr: Literal if expr.dataType == DateType || expr.dataType == 
TimestampType =>
+        deterministic = false
+        expr
+      case expr if !expr.deterministic =>
+        deterministic = false
+        expr
+    }
+    if (deterministic) {
+      // Perform query analysis, but also get rid of the #1234 expression IDs 
that show up in the
+      // resolved plans.
+      (schema, Seq(replaceNotIncludedMsg(analyzed.toString)))
+    } else {
+      // The analyzed plan is nondeterministic so elide it from the result to 
keep tests reliable.
+      (schema, Seq("[Analyzer test output redacted due to nondeterminism]"))
+    }

Review Comment:
   I was wondering if this code is used in non testing environment and I tried 
a code search and it seems only being used with test suites.
   Basically I was not sure in production if this part is also used then the 
`if else` actually changes the output.
   At least code search shows this is not a concern.

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