Github user brkyvz commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +package org.apache.spark.streaming.kinesis
    +import scala.reflect.ClassTag
    +import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
    +import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Duration, StreamingContext}
    +object KinesisDStream {
    +  /**
    +   * Builder for [[KinesisInputDStream]] instances.
    +   *
    +   * @param ssc StreamingContext to be used for creating DStreams
    +   * @param streamName Name of Kinesis stream
    +   * @param messageHandler Function for extracting DStream data type from 
KCL Record
    +   *
    +   * @since 2.2.0
    +   */
    +  @InterfaceStability.Stable
    +  class Builder[T: ClassTag](
    +      ssc: StreamingContext,
    +      streamName: String,
    +      messageHandler: Record => T) {
    +    private var endpointUrl = DEFAULT_KINESIS_ENDPOINT_URL
    +    private var regionName = DEFAULT_KINESIS_REGION_NAME
    +    private var initialPositionInStream = 
    +    private var checkpointAppName = ssc.sparkContext.appName
    +    private var checkpointInterval = ssc.graph.batchDuration
    +    private var storageLevel = DEFAULT_STORAGE_LEVEL
    +    private var kinesisCredsProvider: SerializableCredentialsProvider = 
    +    private var dynamoDBCredsProvider: 
Option[SerializableCredentialsProvider] = None
    +    private var cloudWatchCredsProvider: 
Option[SerializableCredentialsProvider] = None
    +    /**
    +     * Sets the AWS Kinesis endpoint URL. Defaults to 
""; if
    +     * no custom value is specified
    +     *
    +     * @param url Kinesis endpoint URL to use
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def endpointUrl(url: String): Builder[T] = {
    +      endpointUrl = url
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Sets the AWS region to construct clients for. Defaults to 
"us-east-1" if no custom value
    +     * is specified.
    +     *
    +     * @param regionName Name of AWS region to use (e.g. "us-west-2")
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def regionName(regionName: String): Builder[T] = {
    +      this.regionName = regionName
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Sets the initial position data is read from in the Kinesis stream. 
Defaults to
    +     * InitialPositionInStream.LATEST if no custom value is specified.
    +     *
    +     * @param initialPosition InitialPositionInStream value specifying 
where Spark Streaming
    +     *                        will start reading records in the Kinesis 
stream from
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def initialPositionInStream(initialPosition: InitialPositionInStream): 
Builder[T] = {
    +      initialPositionInStream = initialPosition
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Sets the KCL application name to use when checkpointing state to 
DynamoDB. Defaults to the
    +     * Spark app name if no custom value is specified.
    +     *
    +     * @param appName Value to use for the KCL app name (used when 
creating the DynamoDB checkpoint
    +     *                table and when writing metrics to CloudWatch)
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def checkpointAppName(appName: String): Builder[T] = {
    +      checkpointAppName = appName
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Sets how often the KCL application state is checkpointed to 
DynamoDB. Defaults to the Spark
    +     * Streaming batch interval if no custom value is specified.
    +     *
    +     * @param interval [[Duration]] specifying how often the KCL state 
should be checkpointed to
    +     *                 DynamoDB.
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def checkpointInterval(interval: Duration): Builder[T] = {
    +      checkpointInterval = interval
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Sets the storage level of the blocks for the DStream created. 
Defaults to
    +     * [[StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_2]] if no custom value is specified.
    +     *
    +     * @param storageLevel [[StorageLevel]] to use for the DStream data 
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def storageLevel(storageLevel: StorageLevel): Builder[T] = {
    +      this.storageLevel = storageLevel
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Use the default AWS credentials provider chain to authenticate to 
the Kinesis service. This
    +     * is also the default credentials provider used if no custom value is 
    +     *
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def kinesisDefaultCredentials(): Builder[T] = {
    +      kinesisCredsProvider = DefaultCredentialsProvider
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Use an AWS credential keypair to authenticate to the Kinesis 
service. The default AWS
    +     * credentials provider chain is used if no custom value is specified.
    +     *
    +     * @param awsAccessKeyId AWS access key ID
    +     * @param awsSecretKey AWS secret key
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def kinesisBasicAWSCredentials(awsAccessKeyId: String, awsSecretKey: 
String): Builder[T] = {
    +      kinesisCredsProvider = BasicCredentialsProvider(
    +        awsAccessKeyId = awsAccessKeyId,
    +        awsSecretKey = awsSecretKey)
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Assume an STS role in order to authenticate to the Kinesis service. 
The default
    +     * credential chain is used to authenticate to STS and no external ID 
is used.
    +     *
    +     * @param stsRoleArn ARN of the IAM role to assume via STS
    +     * @param stsSessionName Name to identify STS sessions by
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def kinesisSTSCredentials(stsRoleArn: String, stsSessionName: String): 
Builder[T] = {
    +      kinesisCredsProvider = buildSTSCredentials(stsRoleArn, 
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Assume an STS role in order to authenticate to the Kinesis service. 
The provided
    +     * AWS credential keypair is used to authenticate to STS and no 
external ID is used.
    +     *
    +     * @param stsRoleArn ARN of the IAM role to assume via STS
    +     * @param stsSessionName Name to identify STS sessions by
    +     * @param awsAccessKeyId AWS access key ID for authenicating to STS
    +     * @param awsSecretKey AWS secret key for authenticating to STS
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def kinesisSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn: String,
    +        stsSessionName: String,
    +        awsAccessKeyId: String,
    +        awsSecretKey: String): Builder[T] = {
    +      kinesisCredsProvider = buildSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn,
    +        stsSessionName,
    +        awsKeypair = Option(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretKey))
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Assume an STS role in order to authenticate to the Kinesis service. 
The default
    +     * credential chain is used to authenticate to STS and the provided 
external ID is
    +     * validated against the value in the assumed role's policy (if one is 
    +     *
    +     * @param stsRoleArn ARN of the IAM role to assume via STS
    +     * @param stsSessionName Name to identify STS sessions by
    +     * @param stsExternaId External ID used by STS to validate IAM role 
trust policy
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def kinesisSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn: String,
    +        stsSessionName: String,
    +        stsExternalId: String): Builder[T] = {
    +      kinesisCredsProvider = buildSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn,
    +        stsSessionName,
    +        stsExternalId = Option(stsExternalId))
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Assume an STS role in order to authenticate to the Kinesis service. 
The provided
    +     * AWS credential keypair is used to authenticate to STS and the 
provided external ID
    +     * is validated against the value in the assumed role's policy (if one 
is specified).
    +     *
    +     * @param stsRoleArn ARN of the IAM role to assume via STS
    +     * @param stsSessionName Name to identify STS sessions by
    +     * @param awsAccessKeyId AWS access key ID for authenicating to STS
    +     * @param stsExternaId External ID used by STS to validate IAM role 
trust policy
    +     * @param awsSecretKey AWS secret key for authenticating to STS
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def kinesisSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn: String,
    +        stsSessionName: String,
    +        stsExternalId: String,
    +        awsAccessKeyId: String,
    +        awsSecretKey: String): Builder[T] = {
    +      kinesisCredsProvider = buildSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn,
    +        stsSessionName,
    +        stsExternalId = Option(stsExternalId),
    +        awsKeypair = Option(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretKey))
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Use the default AWS credentials provider chain to authenticate to 
the DynamoDB service. The
    +     * Kinesis credentials provider is used if no custom value is 
    +     *
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def dynamoDBDefaultCredentials(): Builder[T] = {
    +      dynamoDBCredsProvider = Option(DefaultCredentialsProvider)
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Use an AWS credential keypair to authenticate to the DynamoDB 
service. The Kinesis
    +     * credentials provider is used if no custom value is specified.
    +     *
    +     * @param awsAccessKeyId AWS access key ID
    +     * @param awsSecretKey AWS secret key
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def dynamoDBBasicAWSCredentials(awsAccessKeyId: String, awsSecretKey: 
String): Builder[T] = {
    +      dynamoDBCredsProvider = Option(BasicCredentialsProvider(
    +        awsAccessKeyId = awsAccessKeyId,
    +        awsSecretKey = awsSecretKey))
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Assume an STS role in order to authenticate to the DynamoDB 
service. The default
    +     * credential chain is used to authenticate to STS and no external ID 
is used.
    +     *
    +     * @param stsRoleArn ARN of the IAM role to assume via STS
    +     * @param stsSessionName Name to identify STS sessions by
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def dynamoDBSTSCredentials(stsRoleArn: String, stsSessionName: 
String): Builder[T] = {
    +      dynamoDBCredsProvider = Option(buildSTSCredentials(stsRoleArn, 
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Assume an STS role in order to authenticate to the DynamoDB 
service. The provided
    +     * AWS credential keypair is used to authenticate to STS and no 
external ID is used.
    +     *
    +     * @param stsRoleArn ARN of the IAM role to assume via STS
    +     * @param stsSessionName Name to identify STS sessions by
    +     * @param awsAccessKeyId AWS access key ID for authenicating to STS
    +     * @param awsSecretKey AWS secret key for authenticating to STS
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def dynamoDBSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn: String,
    +        stsSessionName: String,
    +        awsAccessKeyId: String,
    +        awsSecretKey: String): Builder[T] = {
    +      dynamoDBCredsProvider = Option(buildSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn,
    +        stsSessionName,
    +        awsKeypair = Option(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretKey)))
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Assume an STS role in order to authenticate to the DynamoDB 
service. The default
    +     * credential chain is used to authenticate to STS and the provided 
external ID is
    +     * validated against the value in the assumed role's policy (if one is 
    +     *
    +     * @param stsRoleArn ARN of the IAM role to assume via STS
    +     * @param stsSessionName Name to identify STS sessions by
    +     * @param stsExternaId External ID used by STS to validate IAM role 
trust policy
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def dynamoDBSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn: String,
    +        stsSessionName: String,
    +        stsExternalId: String): Builder[T] = {
    +      dynamoDBCredsProvider = Option(buildSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn,
    +        stsSessionName,
    +        stsExternalId = Option(stsExternalId)))
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Assume an STS role in order to authenticate to the DynamoDB 
service. The provided
    +     * AWS credential keypair is used to authenticate to STS and the 
provided external ID
    +     * is validated against the value in the assumed role's policy (if one 
is specified).
    +     *
    +     * @param stsRoleArn ARN of the IAM role to assume via STS
    +     * @param stsSessionName Name to identify STS sessions by
    +     * @param awsAccessKeyId AWS access key ID for authenicating to STS
    +     * @param stsExternaId External ID used by STS to validate IAM role 
trust policy
    +     * @param awsSecretKey AWS secret key for authenticating to STS
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def dynamoDBSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn: String,
    +        stsSessionName: String,
    +        stsExternalId: String,
    +        awsAccessKeyId: String,
    +        awsSecretKey: String): Builder[T] = {
    +      dynamoDBCredsProvider = Option(buildSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn,
    +        stsSessionName,
    +        stsExternalId = Option(stsExternalId),
    +        awsKeypair = Option(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretKey)))
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Use the default AWS credentials provider chain to authenticate to 
the CloudWatch service. The
    +     * Kinesis credentials provider is used if no custom value is 
    +     *
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def cloudWatchDefaultCredentials(): Builder[T] = {
    +      cloudWatchCredsProvider = Option(DefaultCredentialsProvider)
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Use an AWS credential keypair to authenticate to the CloudWatch 
service. The Kinesis
    +     * credentials provider is used if no custom value is specified.
    +     *
    +     * @param awsAccessKeyId AWS access key ID
    +     * @param awsSecretKey AWS secret key
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def cloudWatchBasicAWSCredentials(awsAccessKeyId: String, 
awsSecretKey: String): Builder[T] = {
    +      cloudWatchCredsProvider = Option(BasicCredentialsProvider(
    +        awsAccessKeyId = awsAccessKeyId,
    +        awsSecretKey = awsSecretKey))
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Assume an STS role in order to authenticate to the CloudWatch 
service. The default
    +     * credential chain is used to authenticate to STS and no external ID 
is used.
    +     *
    +     * @param stsRoleArn ARN of the IAM role to assume via STS
    +     * @param stsSessionName Name to identify STS sessions by
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def cloudWatchSTSCredentials(stsRoleArn: String, stsSessionName: 
String): Builder[T] = {
    +      cloudWatchCredsProvider = Option(buildSTSCredentials(stsRoleArn, 
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Assume an STS role in order to authenticate to the CloudWatch 
service. The provided
    +     * AWS credential keypair is used to authenticate to STS and no 
external ID is used.
    +     *
    +     * @param stsRoleArn ARN of the IAM role to assume via STS
    +     * @param stsSessionName Name to identify STS sessions by
    +     * @param awsAccessKeyId AWS access key ID for authenicating to STS
    +     * @param awsSecretKey AWS secret key for authenticating to STS
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def cloudWatchSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn: String,
    +        stsSessionName: String,
    +        awsAccessKeyId: String,
    +        awsSecretKey: String): Builder[T] = {
    +      cloudWatchCredsProvider = Option(buildSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn,
    +        stsSessionName,
    +        awsKeypair = Option(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretKey)))
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Assume an STS role in order to authenticate to the CloudWatch 
service. The default
    +     * credential chain is used to authenticate to STS and the provided 
external ID is
    +     * validated against the value in the assumed role's policy (if one is 
    +     *
    +     * @param stsRoleArn ARN of the IAM role to assume via STS
    +     * @param stsSessionName Name to identify STS sessions by
    +     * @param stsExternaId External ID used by STS to validate IAM role 
trust policy
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def cloudWatchSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn: String,
    +        stsSessionName: String,
    +        stsExternalId: String): Builder[T] = {
    +      cloudWatchCredsProvider = Option(buildSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn,
    +        stsSessionName,
    +        stsExternalId = Option(stsExternalId)))
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Assume an STS role in order to authenticate to the CloudWatch 
service. The provided
    +     * AWS credential keypair is used to authenticate to STS and the 
provided external ID
    +     * is validated against the value in the assumed role's policy (if one 
is specified).
    +     *
    +     * @param stsRoleArn ARN of the IAM role to assume via STS
    +     * @param stsSessionName Name to identify STS sessions by
    +     * @param awsAccessKeyId AWS access key ID for authenicating to STS
    +     * @param stsExternaId External ID used by STS to validate IAM role 
trust policy
    +     * @param awsSecretKey AWS secret key for authenticating to STS
    +     * @return Reference to this [[KinesisDStream.Builder]]
    +     */
    +    def cloudWatchSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn: String,
    +        stsSessionName: String,
    +        stsExternalId: String,
    +        awsAccessKeyId: String,
    +        awsSecretKey: String): Builder[T] = {
    +      cloudWatchCredsProvider = Option(buildSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn,
    +        stsSessionName,
    +        stsExternalId = Option(stsExternalId),
    +        awsKeypair = Option(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretKey)))
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Create a new instance of [[KinesisInputDStream]] with configured 
    +     *
    +     * @return Instance of [[KinesisInputDStream]] constructed with 
configured parameters
    +     */
    +    def build(): KinesisInputDStream[T] = new KinesisInputDStream(
    +      ssc,
    +      streamName,
    +      endpointUrl,
    +      regionName,
    +      initialPositionInStream,
    +      checkpointAppName,
    +      checkpointInterval,
    +      storageLevel,
    +      messageHandler,
    +      kinesisCredsProvider,
    +      dynamoDBCredsProvider,
    +      cloudWatchCredsProvider)
    +    private def buildSTSCredentials(
    +        stsRoleArn: String,
    +        stsSessionName: String,
    +        stsExternalId: Option[String] = None,
    +        awsKeypair: Option[(String, String)] = None): 
STSCredentialsProvider = {
    +      val baseCredentials = STSCredentialsProvider(
    +        stsRoleArn = stsRoleArn,
    +        stsSessionName = stsSessionName,
    +        stsExternalId = stsExternalId)
    +      awsKeypair match {
    +        case Some((accessKey, secretKey)) =>
    +          baseCredentials.copy(
    +            longLivedCredsProvider = BasicCredentialsProvider(accessKey, 
    +        case None =>
    +          baseCredentials
    +      }
    +    }
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Creates a [[KinesisDStream.Builder]] for constructing 
[[KinesisInputDStream]] instances
    +   * of type [[T]] using the provided message handler.
    +   *
    +   * @since 2.2.0
    +   *
    +   * @param ssc StreamingContext to construct DStream with
    +   * @param streamName Name of Kinesis stream to read from
    +   * @param messageHandler Handler used to extract type [[T]] from a 
Kinesis [[Record]]
    +   * @return [[KinesisDStream.Builder]] instance
    +   */
    +  def builder[T: ClassTag](
    +      ssc: StreamingContext,
    +      streamName: String,
    +      messageHandler: Record => T): Builder[T] =
    +    new Builder(ssc, streamName, messageHandler)
    +  /**
    +   * Creates a [[KinesisDStream.Builder]] for constructing 
[[KinesisInputDStream]] instances
    +   * of type [[Array[Byte]].
    +   *
    +   * @since 2.2.0
    +   *
    +   * @param ssc StreamingContext to construct DStream with
    +   * @param streamName Name of Kinesis stream to read from
    +   * @return [[KinesisDStream.Builder]] instance
    +   */
    +  def builder(ssc: StreamingContext, streamName: String): 
    +    = builder(ssc, streamName, KinesisUtils.defaultMessageHandler(_))
    +  /**
    +   * Creates a [[KinesisDStream.Builder]] for constructing 
[[KinesisInputDStream]] instances
    +   * of type [[T]] using the provided message handler.
    +   *
    +   * @since 2.2.0
    +   *
    +   * @param jssc JavaStreamingContext to construct DStream with
    +   * @param streamName Name of Kinesis stream to read from
    +   * @param messageHandler Handler used to extract type [[T]] from a 
Kinesis [[Record]]
    +   * @return [[KinesisDStream.Builder]] instance
    +   */
    +  def builder[T: ClassTag](
    +      jssc: JavaStreamingContext,
    --- End diff --
    Have the builder take `setStreamingContext`, one which takes 
`StreamingContext` and the other `JavaStreamingContext`

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