On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 5:06 PM, inode0 <ino...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Susan Baur <su...@cdl.edu> wrote:
>> This thread leads me to ask, is there any guidance by RedHat or others on
>> what the absolute minimum package set is for a RHEL 5.4 server. It seems as
>> if the @base group includes lots of extras that may be necessary in some
>> instances but not in most (like redhat-lsb). How do you determine what
>> packages go onto your servers and which ones are "safe" to not install even
>> though they may be in base? Research? Trial and Error? Asking this list like
>> Chris did? :-)
> Kickstart with %packages --nobase and add/subtract to taste.

As inode0 and Mr Jerrido said if you want to update the system afterwords:

%packages --nobase

should give you the minimal needed to get add stuff. If you want to
ssh into it, you might add openssh-server ( i forget if its in the
@core list or not).

> John
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Stephen J Smoogen.

Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp. Or what's a heaven for?
-- Robert Browning

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