Hello everyone,

I am using GSAS for refinement of a zeolite + template assembly. During
the 1st few cycles of the refinement, the calculated peaks I am getting
are very small although apparently in the right positions. The difference
between the observed and calculated intensities is almost an order of
magnitude. Refining the profile type and coefficients is not making much
of a difference. Since I have no clue as to why there is such a
difference, I wanted to simply scale up the calculated values to see
how they match up with the observed peaks. I tried using powplot and
liveplot, but could not figure out a way to do it. Is such thing possible
with GSAS?

Thanks for your attention.


Ramdas Pophale.

ps: I am using the template as part of the phase with bond constraints. Is
it reasonable to refine the template along with the zeolite in the early

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