Oliver Dohmen wrote:

only a short note.

Point them to the alternative Tag Versions with "[! /]", because it dont mess up the other tags and make it easier to read.

For me the language is very clear and only uses minimalistic markup. That makes my templates more readable and i don`t mess it up with script code or noisy markup. If you have to work with designers, they are very glad if they do not need to learn a bunch of tags or anything else. Extra Attributes in Tags are only usefull, if they don`t confuse the designer tools.

cu odo

The great thing I like when writing pages with RIFE tags is that I can define a common "structure.html" file with V to mark regions on the page. Then, in my other pages, I just include the common "structure.html" and define the content of those V-marked regions with BV tags.

For example:


        <h1><!--V 'title'--><!--/V--></h1>


<!--BV 'title'-->Login<!--/BV-->

By doing this, all the pages other than structure.html become pure content definitions. So I mess with HTML in only one file. For the rest, I simply define the content. Tapestry can't do that.

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