
You may need to update your HPI driver. According to release notes
(summary at
there were some changes to the ASI drivers. I don't have access to any
current ASI cards, so take this with a large grain of salt...


On 04/10/2018 09:39 PM, Rob Landry wrote:
> I'm running RD 2.19.1 under CentOS 6.
> If I start rdlibrary, add a new cart, bring up the Cut Info/Record
> screen, and press the Record button, the Ingest field fills with the
> current date and time but the Record button doesn't flash. Pressing the
> Play button causes the green arrow to flash once and then the Stop
> button highlights. No recording is made.
> Nor will rdcatch record anything.
> I have checked the relevant settings in rdadmin and they seem OK. Audio
> Resources shows my ASI5211 card with 2 inputs and 1 output. rdlibrary is
> set to record from card 0, input 0, and play on card 0, output 0.
> Changing from input 0 to input 1 doesn't help.
> This used to work, but problems with rdcatch segfaulting induced me to
> try upgrading to RD 2.19.1 from 2.18. Now it won't record at all.
> I've a feeling I'm overlooking something obbvious but it's late and I've
> been working on some or another radio station since early this morning.
> Any suggestions would be welsome, err, welcome.
> Rob
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