If I remember right, recent HPI drivers will not compile under CentOS 6. The version in the Paravel-Broadcast repository is 4.10.09.


Я там, где ребята толковые,
Я там, где плакаты "Вперёд",
Где песни рабочие новые
Страна трудовая поёт.

On Tue, 10 Apr 2018, David Klann wrote:


You may need to update your HPI driver. According to release notes
(summary at
there were some changes to the ASI drivers. I don't have access to any
current ASI cards, so take this with a large grain of salt...


On 04/10/2018 09:39 PM, Rob Landry wrote:

I'm running RD 2.19.1 under CentOS 6.

If I start rdlibrary, add a new cart, bring up the Cut Info/Record
screen, and press the Record button, the Ingest field fills with the
current date and time but the Record button doesn't flash. Pressing the
Play button causes the green arrow to flash once and then the Stop
button highlights. No recording is made.

Nor will rdcatch record anything.

I have checked the relevant settings in rdadmin and they seem OK. Audio
Resources shows my ASI5211 card with 2 inputs and 1 output. rdlibrary is
set to record from card 0, input 0, and play on card 0, output 0.

Changing from input 0 to input 1 doesn't help.

This used to work, but problems with rdcatch segfaulting induced me to
try upgrading to RD 2.19.1 from 2.18. Now it won't record at all.

I've a feeling I'm overlooking something obbvious but it's late and I've
been working on some or another radio station since early this morning.
Any suggestions would be welsome, err, welcome.


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