On Thu, 2010-04-29 at 07:18 +1000, Call Me Shane wrote:
> Did the scanning. Great. Interesting results worthy of further 
> investigation. Instruction - see log file. Go to open log file using 
> occassionally stupid Gedit, permission denied, must be root to view. 
> Tried with several better text editors; Kate, Leaf? etc.
> OK so the log file is being locked by default.
What 'lock'? There is no lock on the log file. It is just a plain text
file the same as any other log file.

> Tried to access / copy save as by using sudo and su...... and then there 
> is shitloads of semi-applicable coding to do with root editing of 
> permissions etc...
Sorry, but that makes no sense, what are you talking about? What does
'semi-applicable coding to do with root editing of permissions' mean?

> I need to get into it - to read it and make decisions and take actions 
> on the basis of that information - but someone has decided to lock it by 
> default for only root access.
> As far as I am concerned - this should never have been done.
It is quite common for log files to only be accessible by root. There is
nothing unusual in that.

> What makes this even stupider, is that there is NO instructions ANYWHERE 
> on how to accress it as root,
I think most users just either use 'cat' or an editor (when they are
logged in as the root user). So, no there are no instructions because it
is expected for you to know how to use basic commands.

>  or how to change the permissions so it can be read by text editors 
If you are root then you don't need to change permissions.

> or how to read the log file or convert and save 
> it into a plain text file on the desk top etc...
It is a plain text file, no need to convert it to anything. Read it
using 'cat' or an editor.

> Why in the fuck are you not just saving the log as a plain text file 
> with no locks on it at all?
It is a plain text file. It has no locks. Why do you say it has locks?


John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK
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