danke für die rückmeldung. der grundgedanke der arbeit liegt nich
darin dem browser nichts zum anzeigen zu geben sondern (um aus dem
text zu zitieren) die seite "selbst mittels einer meditation über die
grundlegenden formeln des quellcodes [zu] überwinden: <html>, <head>,
<title>, <body>, system, geist, begriff, körper. überwindung wäre aber
nur möglich gewesen, hätte die seite niemals existiert."
sorry falls das in meiner (dürftigen) englischen übersetzung nicht so
rübergekommen ist.

2009/3/9 Herbert Schmid <sai...@gmx.de>:
> hi,
> this work doesn't hold it's promises:
> it has a name and a document body with content and so theres even a design.
> if you really wan't the browsers do nothing -- in your sense --
>  use just the following code:
> <html></html>
> yours,
> h.
> carlos katastrofsky schrieb:
>> title: webzen
>> year: 2009
>> webpage on server
>> launch artwork: http://katastrofsky.cont3xt.net/webzen
>> A Koan: “All things can be traced back to the One, to what, however,
>> can the One be traced back?” - “Untitled Document” is written on top
>> of the browser window. No name, no content, no design: a webpage as
>> simple as it can be. Still the work webzen (2009) demands outmost
>> concentration. Clicking from one page to the next, the neverending
>> quest for links is leading further, the skimming through pieces of
>> information and the scanning of texts and pictures is interrupted -
>> which is irritating. webzen is an attempt to abandon representational
>> thinking, to understand life as utterly art of absent-mindedness and
>> to experience the reality beyond duality and logic and beyond space
>> and time. webzen has only one assignment: the single-serving site
>> wants to overcome itself by means of meditating on the basic formulas
>> of sourcecode: <html>, <head>, <title>, <body>, system, spirit,
>> concept, body. But overcoming would only have been possible if the
>> site would have never existed.
>> - another Koan: “All things can be traced back to the code, to what,
>> however, can the code be traced back?”


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