Fri Oct 12 2018 15:54:35 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored Subject: Re: XMPP server
How are you getting Pidgin to generate those client-side traces?

Sorry, I think I couldn't understand the question...
If you meant the log, in Pidgin I just went to Help -> Debug window before attempting connection.

I use latest stable Pidgin, and for its settings I'm following almost verbosely this article
And I say "almost verbosely" because of just 2 differences: I use my own account data obviously, and I can't use "allow plaintext auth" option due to what I described in the Support room.

Now, you mention Pidgin works perfectly for you. Then could problem be actually on Citadel settings on my side?
I run easy install once a day, so I always have current Citadel release. Also, since first time install I use "internal user database" and created new users just like "a username" and "a password for username". No FQDNs, no email addresses (I even disabled Citadel's email ports because I don't use this function).
Any server's settings data I could show here in order to debug the problem?

I apologize if it's rude to repeating the same question in two rooms; I just thought it'd serve as "easier" reference...

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