On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, Jim Cochrane <m_l-...@business.jimcochrane.info> wrote:

> As most (probably everyone) on this list knows, the main
> transition at
> this point is from the "desktop" (GUI on a PC - Windows for
> most
> people, but also OSX and Linux) to either or both of:
>   - mobile/tablet-based apps, most of which make heavy
> use of web
>     and/or internet connections.
>   - web-based applications, where the main characters
> are the "browser"
>     and a web server, a group of web-servers,
> and/or "cloud-centric"
>     systems (which, perhaps, is a synonym for
> "group of web-servers").
> For both of these options, most of the work will be done on
> servers on
> the web and the user's "computer" will be mainly a client
> making use of
> services running on these servers.

I have seen enough to say that, sure, there is some changes.  But most of them 
are the numerous companies trying to one-up each other with so claimed 
"innovation".  Just happens those things are new code base with little testing, 
trying to claim "first to market".  So the users are guinea pigs.

The *buntu distros are also dumbing down the user experience the same way 
Windows, Macs, Cell phones are.  They claim to make things simple for the 
users.  I'd say they want to keep the users from knowing too much, and that 
there are other ways of doing things, not just what presented by the GUI.

The software industry have had many server-centric, then PC-centric, now back 
to server-centric (cloud, web-apps...)  They are just the companies to sell new 
softwares along with suport and service contracts... churning the market for 
new revenues.  Abandoned softwares need support contracts, or migration cost of 
developing for the "newest trend today".

Sure the cell phone and tablet with wireless capabilities add a little bit more 
to the flexibilities, but again, they are driven by large software companies's 
drumming up of new revenue sources.

> In the meantime we are stuck with these painful
> transitional
> technologies, such as GNOME 3 and Ubuntu's Unity, which to
> many people
> seem like (and perhaps are) monstrosities.  I don't
> think the Linux
> world is alone in being affected by these transitional pains
> - many
> people are wondering what the fuck they are going to do when
> Windows 8
> (or Metro, or whatever-the-fuck it's being called now) comes
> out.

No we don't have to stick with the new "default desktop" or default GUI the 
*buntu chose to use.  You can install any other desktops and use that.  You 
don't have to stick with the PulseAudio, you can disable it, or uninstall it.  
If that's too much work to fight the current within the distro, perhaps switch 
to a more customizable distro is less of a hassle in the long run.

Just as many of us abandoned Windows because they have made it hell to back up 
and restore the OS to/from bare hard drive.  And with the Knoppix liveCd of a 
dozen years or so ago, it's a whole new world of simpler data recovery, and 
installation of Linux.  We can decide what we use, not what they try force us 
to use.

The more we learn the underlying components that make up our system and tools 
available, the better we are to make the computer work the way we want.  Not 
how they want us to do, their way.

I have seen enough of the churning changes.  Unity is only available on *buntu, 
because none of the other distros care about it at the moment.  I will stick 
with what works and not be guinea pigs.  Thanks, but no thanks.

> And the true-geek will be
> able to use
> their pain to direct themselves to a workable, perhaps
> partly-hacked-together, solution.  But the pseudo geek
> will likely have
> the demands to insist on something better than what's
> available, but
> not the skills to whip something up that will fulfill what
> they need.
> Result: mucho pain.

Well so-called true geeks are just people who believe they have seen enough to 
know that Linux/Unix can be customized however they want.  They are not the 
know-it-all either.  They spent long hours to learn how things are done and 
replicated those scripts and programs, learning from open-source code available 
to them.  I simply say that the "geeks" are just determined to get it done be 
cause they it can be done.

Pseuodo geeks are either newbies, or wannabe's who haven't spent time to learn 
how things work, or are afraid of spending time to learn.

Most people who have spent time to learn how to get jackd/qjackctl, 
fluidsynth/qsynth, rosegarden, MIDI working on a low-latency Linux kernel is a 
Linux MIDI geek already.  Perhaps not a Linux sys-admin geek, or Bash script 
geek, Perl geek, Python geek...  It's just a matter of how much one really 
wants to learn, and spent the appropriate time to learn, that's all.  The other 
side of that is ignorance.


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