On 09/15/2013 09:51 PM, Jim Cochrane wrote:

>    - Is it possible for rosegarden to have its record function triggered
>      by a MIDI event that it receives instead of hitting the GUI record
>      button? And if it is possible, of course, how is it done?

Not currently.

>    - If it is not possible, how hard would it be to add this feature to
>      the code?  (Since it does start playing when it receives a START
>      message, it seems to me it should not be hard to modify it to allow
>      recording instead of playing when it receives START.

What you'd want is the ability to arm the record button separately from 
the play button, like an old tape recorder.  Not sure why it doesn't do 
that already.

In principle, doing what you want should be something like punch 
in/punch out recording.  In practice, that still isn't reliable after 13 
years, and it's a dubious feature.  This code is what Julie Swango would 
call brittle.

I hate messing with it.  It's like playing that old Milton Bradley game 
where you use the tweezers to take out the little plastic bones, and if 
you touch the sides, you get shocked.  (It's not supposed to work like 
that?  Mine sure did!  I got many a jolt from that stupid thing.)

The better idea would seem to be making it possible to arm the record 
button ahead of play.  Then you send your START and presto.  Somehow I 
just think that's going to turn out to be massively complicated, fiddly, 
and prone to malfunction.  Call me optimistic.

That being the case, I'd be in favor of figuring out some other way.  Is 
there some likely MIDI message, an obscure controller, absolutely 
anything we could poll for and react to without having to fiddle with 
any of this other delicate stuff?  If so, I'd go that route.

>  However, this
>      is coming from a naive view - I'm a programmer, but I know very
>      little about the source code.)
>    - If it's not possible, is there some workaround?  (For example, what
>      if I hit 'record' to start rosegarden recording, then send it a
>      song-position pointer message for position 0 to force rosegarden to
>      reset to position 0 and continue recording from there?)

That sounds like a fine workaround to me.  Have you tried it?  It might 
actually work!
D. Michael McIntyre

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