On 09/16/2013 11:37 AM, Tom Breton (Tehom) wrote:

> Milton Bradley should release Rosegarden Operation.  If you touch the
> sides, the buzzer won't make any sound and you have to figure out why. :)

Now that's amusing! :)

Speaking of which, I'm finally encountering some long reported, never 
reproduced MIDI timing bug.  I guess I'm lucky this time around.  I'll 
be playing Rosegarden, and for reasons unknown and at unpredictable 
intervals, MIDI playback will speed up and slow down.


This is exactly the kind of thing that prompted the initial bitch 
message that ultimately dragged me into this whole mess 12 years ago.  I 
was lamenting that it seemed sad that a sequencer couldn't get something 
as fundamental and basic as MIDI timing right, when my old 286 used to 
handle this just fine.

Apparently we still can't get MIDI timing right.  Man is that 
depressing, and I don't have a clue what to do about it.  Linux timing 
sources apparently SUCK.
D. Michael McIntyre

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