On Sun, 7 Aug 2016, Mario Gummies wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> am new to rosegarden and (linux) sound system and using it for understanding 
> music - and thank you for your great free software first. 
> With my first piece of music 
> http://www.gutenberg.org/files/117/117-h/music/117-1.mid Beethoven's, Fifth 
> Symphony, I stumbled with the problem:
> among 19 tracks rosegarden leaves randomly some without sound 
> You can see a screenshot here: 
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/qo4yasi3zuwutvr/rosegarden1_not_all_track_sounded.png
> You see in the tracks marked that there should be sound but there is non. For 
> example in the 19th track, name Kontrabass (german), there are notes but no 
> loudspeaker icon. 
> This is how I start rosegarden:
> killall timidity;killall qjackctl; killall rosegarden
> qjackctl -s &
> timidity -iA -Oj -B2,8 &
> rosegarden Downloads/117-1.rg&
> I use Ubuntu 14.04. Rosegarden:13.06. 
> Does anybody have a pointer, to hear all tracks at once?

I had a similar problem when I used fluidsynth-dssi as synth plugin in
Rosegarden. It was a Limit within fluidsynth-dssi.

I solved it with:
- get fluidsynth-dssi-1.0.0.tar.gz
- Change in fluidsynth-dssi.h
  #define FSD_CHANNEL_COUNT  32

You may run into a similar limit with timidity.

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