Bug ID: 11086
           Summary: rsync --delete has stopped to delete destination files
                    that don't exist at the source
           Product: rsync
           Version: 3.1.1
          Hardware: x64
                OS: Linux
            Status: NEW
          Severity: major
          Priority: P5
         Component: core
        QA Contact:

I have a system Linux root partition wich I backup to another disk
periodically. I use the following script for that action:

cd /

nice -n $NICE rm -v /root/.xsession-errors
nice -n $NICE rm -v /root/dead.letter

nice -n $NICE /usr/bin/rsync -avhHxq --progress --stats --force --delete
--delete-before --log-file='/var/log/backup2diskrsync.log'
--exclude='/usr/portage/distfiles/' --exclude='/home/ftp/'
--exclude='/lost+found/' --exclude='/var/tmp/ccache/'
--exclude='/root/.ccache/' --exclude='/var/cache/edb/'
--exclude='/home/myuser/.opera/cache/' --exclude='/home/myuser/.opera/opcache/'
--exclude='/home/myuser/workspace/mysearch/swapfile' / $PH/

The problem is that I don't see any "delete" messages in log file anymore. For
example, I have the following in /usr/src/ directory on backup disk:
# du -sh /mnt/b/usr/src/*
0       /mnt/b/usr/src/linux
944M    /mnt/b/usr/src/linux-3.14.14-gentoo
961M    /mnt/b/usr/src/linux-3.16.5-gentoo
964M    /mnt/b/usr/src/linux-3.17.7-gentoo
972M    /mnt/b/usr/src/linux-3.18.3-gentoo
971M    /mnt/b/usr/src/linux-3.18.5-gentoo
But I don't have this outdated long time ago directories on my root partition:
# du -sh /usr/src/*
0       /usr/src/linux
943M    /usr/src/linux-3.18.5-gentoo

And that's just a one of examples of outdated files and directories. My backup
storage partition will become full soon.

The rsync log (after # /bin/bash under root):
2015/01/31 17:25:56 [12091] building file list
2015/01/31 17:25:58 [12091] rsync: readlink_stat("/home/myuser/.gvfs") failed:
Permission denied (13)
2015/01/31 17:25:59 [12091] 877346 files to consider
2015/01/31 17:26:01 [12091] >f..t...... etc/openvpn/openvpn-status.log
2015/01/31 17:26:01 [12091] >f..t...... home/incoming/scripts/enp2s0-upd.err
2015/01/31 17:26:01 [12091] >f..t...... home/incoming/scripts/
2015/01/31 17:26:01 [12091] >f..t...... home/incoming/scripts/ppp0-upd.err
2015/01/31 17:26:01 [12091] >f..t...... home/incoming/scripts/
2015/01/31 17:26:03 [12091] .d..t...... var/log/
2015/01/31 17:26:03 [12091] > var/log/backup2diskrsync.log
2015/01/31 17:26:03 [12091] > var/log/messages
2015/01/31 17:26:03 [12091] > var/log/net-snmpd.log
2015/01/31 17:26:04 [12091] > var/log/samba/log.nmbd
2015/01/31 17:26:05 [12091] >f..t...... var/tmp/kdecache-root/icon-cache.kcache
2015/01/31 17:26:05 [12091] >f..t......
2015/01/31 17:26:06 [12091] >f..t......
2015/01/31 17:26:06 [12091] .d..t......
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] Number of files: 877,346 (reg: 758,168, dir:
67,562, link: 45,877, dev: 5,678, special: 61)
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] Number of created files: 0
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] Number of deleted files: 0
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] Number of regular files transferred: 12
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] Total file size: 25.31G bytes
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] Total transferred file size: 379.83M bytes
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] Literal data: 379.83M bytes
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] Matched data: 0 bytes
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] File list size: 24.44M
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] File list generation time: 3.099 seconds
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] Total bytes sent: 404.40M
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] Total bytes received: 291
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] sent 404.40M bytes  received 291 bytes  35.17M
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] total size is 25.31G  speedup is 62.60
2015/01/31 17:26:07 [12091] rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred
(see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1165) [sender=3.1.1]

Error log in the console (some files it doesn't like probably)
rsync: readlink_stat("/home/xor/.gvfs") failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code
23) at main.c(1165) [sender=3.1.1]

And still there are a lot of garbage on backup partition wich had to be deleted
a looong time ago:
# du -sh /mnt/b/usr/src/*
0       /mnt/b/usr/src/linux
944M    /mnt/b/usr/src/linux-3.14.14-gentoo
961M    /mnt/b/usr/src/linux-3.16.5-gentoo
964M    /mnt/b/usr/src/linux-3.17.7-gentoo
972M    /mnt/b/usr/src/linux-3.18.3-gentoo
971M    /mnt/b/usr/src/linux-3.18.5-gentoo

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