Does this help?
Although I had all these clear, reading it helped me to better understand. Thank you.

A few questions appear:

 * You talk about threads...may we considered a distributed application
   architecture/other process reading that queue? That could be done
   with a redis/kafka reliable delivery, ie: imhiredis/omhiredis +
 * Is the main queue reliable/disk assisted? Of course UDP messages can
   be lost if the application crash, but shouldn't with TCP
 * By default, messages are parsed to match RFCs and then sent to _mm_.
   is there any way to disable parsers? IMHO pipelines could be
   simplified if parsers/mm/actions...are considered equals:
        # conditionals can be used here
        pipeline {
            # and here
            input() //multiple inputs can be used, order doesn't matter
            processor(type="...") //multiple processors are handled as
   a sequence (a parser, a mm...)
            processor(type="...") //this processor is run after the
            output() //multiple outputs can be used, order doesn't matter

Your explanation is so simple that I'm wondering why source seems so obscure to me...

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