According to documentation:

State files are used to track which parts of the monitored file are already processed.

   Do state files keep just "last reading position" or as doc suggests
   a file can be processed in multiple chunks(parts)?

Note that when $WorkDirectory is not set or set to a non-writable location, the state file **will not be generated**.

   Am I wrong or state files are written to / in this scenario?

Regarding pollinginterval: During each polling interval, all files are processed in a round-robin fashion.

   I'm confused. Does this mean files are readed, sleep for X seconds,
   and readed again...
   or rsyslog reads documents during X seconds looping in a round-robin

readtimeout: This can be used with *startmsg.regex* (but not *readMode*)

   Why it can't be used with readmode? (Apart from obviously not

read modes other than 0 currently seem to have issues in inotify mode

   Any open issues? it's an based-on-experienced-warning message? legacy?

imfile has tag, facility and severity properties...

   Is there any way this properties being /inherited/ for ALL modules?
   (hence documented on "/input-modules/")

@radu-gheorghe @rgerhards could you have a look at ? Feedback appreciated.
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