I have a queue called "Widgets" with 2 keywords selectors:
  Resolution Type
  Widget Type

 I'd like to perform a search in Query Builder (advanced), such that I can 
search for a specific "Resolution Type" , but with an OR operator so it will 
turn up 2 different possible "widgets".  I'm not sure if I can use parenthesis, 
so I suspect I need to repeat the whole search with an OR between the 2, such 

Queue = 'Widgets' AND Status = 'resolved' AND 'CF.{Resolution Method}' LIKE 
'On-site/Contractor' AND 'CF.{Widget Type}' LIKE 'gonkulator' OR Queue = 
'Widgets' AND Status = 'resolved' AND 'CF.{Resolution Method}' LIKE 
'On-site/Contractor' AND 'CF.{Widget Type}' LIKE 'doodad'

When I try to apply this in the Advanced, it never shows up in the "Current 
Search" on the next screen.

I tried using the tool to add my criteria 1 by one, but it seems to be either 
all AND or all OR.  I can't seem to mix and/or.

Is there any way to do the search I want?



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