Ken Crocker wrote:
> Resolution comment:
>     {
>      my $Resolution_Comment;
>      my $Transactions;
>      my $CommentObj;
>      $Transactions = $Ticket->Transactions;
>      $Transactions->Limit( FIELD => 'Type', VALUE => 'Comment' );
>      $Transactions->OrderByCols(
>          { FIELD => 'Created',  ORDER => 'DESC' },
>          { FIELD => 'id',     ORDER => 'DESC' },
>          );
>      $CommentObj = $Transactions->First;
>      if  ($CommentObj && $CommentObj->id)
>      {
>           $Resolution_Comment = $CommentObj->Content;
>      }
>      else
>      {
>           $Resolution_Comment = "No comment."
>      }
>      return $Resolution_Comment;
>     }

I tried entering just the above into a new Template and then created a 
Scrip that would run "On Resolve". I told the scrip to use this new 
template, however, all I got in the end was

Resolution Comment:
        No comment

I definitely entered a few words into the body of the resolved email 
message. So clearly I've missed something off? I have a feeling it 
should not be $Transactions->First? Wouldn't that give you just the 
first Transaction when we are looking for the last one?

The scrip I'm using is set as "On Resolve, Notify AdminCCs as Comment, 
Template MyNewResolvedTemplate, Stage TransactionCreate".

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