On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 09:31:26PM +0100, Rainer Duffner wrote:
>     Why RT and RTIR are so hard to install and work properlly? I dont know
>     perl  
> Here’s your problem ;-)
> Most people probably stopped reading right there.  

seriously? assuming that the sysop is comming with a basic admin skill
(knowing what "make" do and how to setup an nginx to communicate with
fcgi), perl programs are quiet easy to install when someone pointed you
on the good ressources:  




and when it comes to perl dependecies: 


and if you're using a debian derrivative; apt-get install dh-make-perl
and run your own debian repo.

I really think that the perl ecosystem makes perl applications the
easiest to install (comparing to other dynamic langages like python or
ruby... not to mention npm)

The problem is not to have a running RT but frankly, i have very hard
time to figure out how to set it up correctly. the missing documentation 
is something that explain the general philosophy of RT for
administrators and some step by step tutorials (for example: installing
a notification or a basic ticket routing).

I guess that's what we learn from the best practical trainings but
comming from a french university, london wasn't that affordable.  


Marc Chantreux,
Mes coordonnées: http://annuaire.unistra.fr/chercher?n=chantreux
Direction Informatique, Université de Strasbourg (http://unistra.fr) 
"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
    -- Abraham Lincoln

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