Thank you Alex,
so basically my test is correct and my problem is not solved.
Back to the drawing board :-(

Let's see if I can give some more detail, to help you in helping me :-)

Here is the header of a mail sent when replying with an attachment (as shown by 
RT - color and emphasis by me):


Email Source for Ticket 95127, Attachment 1198765

From: Cristiano Guadagnino <bksistemi@AMENDED>

Subject: [BKGS #95127] Prova attachment

Reply-To: bksistemi@AMENDED


References: <rt-ticket-95...@test.bkd><mailto:rt-ticket-95...@test.bkd> 


X-RT-Loop-Prevention: Bankadati Servizi Informatici (TEST)

X-RT-Ticket: Bankadati Servizi Informatici (TEST) #95127

X-Managed-BY: RT 4.2.9 (

X-RT-Originator: guadagnino.cristiano@AMENDED

To: criguada@AMENDED

Precedence: bulk

Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2015 12:06:14 +0100

MIME-Version: 1.0

RT-Attachment: 95127/1383139/1198764

Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----------=_1423047973-22299-11"

Content-Length: 0


Here is the header of a mail sent when resolving with an attachment (as shown 
by RT):


Email Source for Ticket 95127, Attachment 1198757

Subject: [BKGS #95127] Prova attachment

Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----------=_1423047772-22299-7"

From: "Cristiano Guadagnino via RT" <bksistemi@AMENDED>

Reply-To: bksistemi@AMENDED

References: <rt-ticket-95...@test.bkd><mailto:rt-ticket-95...@test.bkd>


X-RT-Loop-Prevention: Bankadati Servizi Informatici (TEST)

X-RT-Ticket: Bankadati Servizi Informatici (TEST) #95127

X-Managed-BY: RT 4.2.9 (

X-RT-Originator: guadagnino.cristiano@AMENDED

To: criguada@AMENDED

Precedence: bulk

Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2015 12:02:52 +0100

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Content-Length: 0


Is there anything that can help shed some light?



On 04/02/2015 16:16, Alex Vandiver wrote:

On Wed, 4 Feb 2015 11:43:23 +0000 Guadagnino Cristiano
<><> wrote:

I disabled CustomFieldsOnUpdate by commenting out the
"Plugin('RT::Extension::CustomFieldsOnUpdate');" line in, then I stopped Apache, cleared the mason cache, and
restarted Apache.

I tested resolving a ticket adding an attachment, but had the same
behavior as before.

I then also disabled the "Announce" extension by following the same
procedure, but still I had no success.

Those are the only two extensions I added recently (other extensions
are loaded but they have been there for years).

Is it sufficient to disable the extensions by commenting them out in
the file or should I completely uninstall them? If
so, how do I do it?

Removing the Plugin line should mostly suffice; removing the files from
disk does no better.  Fully removing a plugin requires backing out
database contents that relay on it, (like the RTAnnounce) queue, but
that's not relevant for this test.
 - Alex

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