Am 24.09.2015 um 23:42 schrieb Tim Gustafson:
> I think the problem is that NotifyActor is set to 0; when I changed it
> to 1, the e-mail originator got their autoreply.  But it seems to me
> that an autoreply should go out, even if NotifyActor is set to 0.  Did
> something change around that option recently?

This is the difference between the Notify* actions, which respects the
NotifyActor setting, and the "Autoreply To Requestors" action, which
sends always an auto reply regarding  of the NotifyActor setting.

The screen shot of your scrips shows, that you only user the Notify*
actions and don't have a script which uses the "Autoreply To Requestors"
The "On Create Autoreply To Requestors" scrip [1], which is created on
RT installation, is missing.



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