> On Feb 23, 2017, at 09:19, Kenneth Marshall <k...@rice.edu> wrote:
> Hi Alex and Robert,
> What happens if you set RecordTransaction to 1/true? I have not checked the 
> code,
> but I would imagine that if you do not record the transaction, the cache 
> infrastructure
> would not invalidate the old entry and would continue to serve stale data. 
> Something
> to try perhaps.
I've tried both, and neither made a difference as far as I remember.
> On Feb 23, 2017, at 09:19, Kenneth Marshall <k...@rice.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 08:51:29AM -0500, Alex Hall wrote:
>> I'm going to send the email I normally hate to receive. If you ever figure 
>> this out, please share it with the list!
>> I have a script to assign the ticket creator as the owner on creation, which 
>> works perfectly. Like you, though, the owner fails to display properly in 
>> ticket lists but works if you open a ticket. This has annoyed all our staff 
>> for months, but when I asked about on this list, we couldn't work out what 
>> the problem was.
>> Sorry you're running into this, but at the same time, I'm glad to know it's 
>> not just me. :) 
>>> On Feb 23, 2017, at 08:13, Robert Blayzor <rblayzor.b...@inoc.net> wrote:
>>> Running RT 4.4.1 - running fine for years and probably never noticed this 
>>> before. We have a Scrip that runs that probably carried over from the 
>>> pre-RT4 days.
>>> Pretty common function is to change the Owner of the ticket from “Nobody” 
>>> to the first person to correspond if they are a privileged user in RT. The 
>>> Scrip is below and it does work. (kind of).
>>> What works: When user is first to correspond, Scrip executes and in Ticket 
>>> view the Owner is set as expected.
>>> What doesn’t work: If we go into the queue and list all the open tickets, 
>>> the owner will be listed as “nobody” in this view, but if you open the 
>>> ticket, there is an owner. If you change the owner to someone else and 
>>> change it back, then it seems to fix this issue.
>>> Is this just a display bug or are we not using the proper method to change 
>>> the owner of the Ticket?
>>> Here is the Scrip we’ve been using:
>>> # Condition: On correspond
>>> # Action: User Defined
>>> # Template: blank
>>> my $Actor = $self->TransactionObj->Creator;
>>> my $Queue = $self->TicketObj->QueueObj;
>>> # if actor is RT_SystemUser then get out of here
>>> return 1 if $Actor == $RT::SystemUser->id;
>>> # get out unless ticket owner is nobody
>>> return 1 unless $self->TicketObj->Owner == $RT::Nobody->id;
>>> # get out unless $Actor is not part of AdminCc watchers
>>> return 1 unless $Queue->IsWatcher(Type => 'AdminCc', PrincipalId => $Actor);
>>> # do the actual 'status update'
>>> my ($status, $msg) = $self->TicketObj->_Set(Field => 'Owner', Value => 
>>> $Actor, RecordTransaction => 0);
>>> unless( $status ) {
>>> $RT::Logger->warning( "Can't set ticket owner to $Actor: $msg" );
>>> return undef;
>>> }
>>> return 1;
> Hi Alex and Robert,
> What happens if you set RecordTransaction to 1/true? I have not checked the 
> code,
> but I would imagine that if you do not record the transaction, the cache 
> infrastructure
> would not invalidate the old entry and would continue to serve stale data. 
> Something
> to try perhaps.
> Regards,
> Ken

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