----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Baker, Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>The NCAA has been sued countless times, and they have lost their share.  However,
>they continue to do business...

  Rome wasn't built in a day. Troy held out a long time before the famous horse took
them out.; etc..    The ncaa just haven't been sued enough. They have, indeed, lost
before (and big), so they are not invincible.  Tom Jones' pockets weren't empty when
he got through with them. No, nobody expects them to capitulate in a day or a suit,
but it will "soon come".

  The ncaa is so used to everybody laying down, taking their unequal, and sometimes
absurd "punishment", then thanking them for giving it up  the wazooo, rebellion of any
kind will take it's toll.


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