
Could someone help me with a configuration issue that does not seem to have 
been raised in the mailing list archives (and please excuse me if it has been 
so - I'm a newby here - and tell me where I can find it) ?

I'm using Rygel as a Raspberry Pi 3 Upnp renderer, the BubbleUpnp Android app 
as controller, and either my external hard drive or Qobuz as a server. My 
output soundcard is equivalent to a Hifiberry card, and it is well recognized.
This configuration works fine with mp3 files - but not with FLAC files.

Depending on whether I use Playbin or VLC as the media player to which Rygel 
transmits audio files, the issue is not exactly the same :
1) With Rygel+Playbin, no file may be heard, whether MP3 or FLAC. The files 
seem to play (I can see the time line move as time goes by) but there is no 
sound. I guess this means that Playbin should be so configured as to recognize 
my HifiBerry soundcard. Are there any options to do that ? All I see are 
options regarding Gstlaunch in rygel.conf but I understand this configures a 
server, not a renderer (and I tried anyway to add my soundcard and flac 
mime-types, according to various tutorials, but no luck)
2) If I use VLC instead of playbin (by enabling MPRIS and disabling Playbin in 
/home/pi/.config/rygel.conf, and then launching VLC before Rygel), VLC reads 
perfectly the MP3 files but not the FLAC ones (701 code error : illegal 
I asked the developers of the BubbleUpnp app what should be done. They answered 
that "The fix for FLAC for this Rygel/VLC renderer  is just for developers to 
add the FLAC mime-type to the list. It's a 10s job.".
I can play FLAC files from another computer to Rygel+VLC using Foobar2000 : as 
Foobar2000 changes my FLACs into WAV (or PCM?) before sending them to the Rpi. 
But BubbleUpnp does not this conversion.

I believed that it should be up to VLC to include this mime-type list : as far 
as I understand, Rygel only sends the files to VLC without trying to decode 
them, and thus without needing to validate any mime-type in this configuration. 
But, as VLC is perfectly able to read FLAC (I often use it directly with my 
Raspberry Pi, without using Upnp : no problem), I don't understand which part 
(Rygel or VLC) shoud be reconfigured, and how...
Would anyone have a suggestion ?
Thank you very much,
Nicorigo, from Paris, France.
rygel-list mailing list

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