Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in
 |Stephen Isard wrote in
 | <>:
 ||On Wed, 25 Aug 2021, Steffen Nurpmeso |s-nail| \
 ||> Stephen Isard wrote in
 ||> <>:
 ||>|That is what I was hoping you could explain.  Why does losing the IMAP
 ||>|connection stop s-nail from reading the temp file back into its buffer
 ||>|when editing is done?
 ||> I have problems to parse this Stephen.  What is going on?
 ||> What is "reading back the temp file"?
 ||1)  You start writing a message in s-nail
 ||2)  You call '~v' to bring up an emacs window with the content of the
 ||     message so far
 ||3) You edit the message in emacs, save, and quit.
 ||4) Case 1: The imap connection has not dropped while you were in emacs
 ||            You are returned to the normal s-nail prompt and '~p' shows
 ||            the message that you saved from emacs
 ||    Case 2: The imap connection was dropped while you were in emacs
 ||            You see an ERROR prompt and '~p' shows the message as it was
 ||            before you called emacs
 |Really??  Hmm, interesting.  Well if there was an "error" during
 |editing then the new file is not used.  I will try to reproduce it
 |this evening.

I cannot reproduce this with vim.  I do not have emacs here.

 ||My understanding is that when you do '~v' to use an external editor on a 
 ||message you are writing, s-nail creates a temporary file and calls the 
 ||external editor on that file.  Then when you quit the external editor, 
 ||s-nail normally reads the content of the temporary file back into an 
 ||internal buffer, where you can see it with '~p'.  However, if there has 
 ||been an imap disconnection while you are working in the external editor, 
 ||'~p' just shows the message as it was before the editor was called. 
 ||Any work done in the editor is lost.  So s-nail has not read the content 
 ||of the temporary file back into the internal buffer.
 |Maybe the editor sees the alarm signal and exits non-0?  I will
 |try this evening, and report back.

Really not.  I can hold an IMAP with imap-keepalive=10 and
kill -ALRM like grazy, if i come back via :wq then the new file
content is used.  And vim ... does have an ALRM handler, but it
seems to be used only temporarily.

Microsoft false alarm, SMTP GSSAPI i-do-not-know, IMAP alarm no
problem .. what is going on, Stephen?

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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