Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:

> Χάρης Καραχριστιανίδης wrote in
> Oh it is _such_ a pity i cannot speek Greek!  A hundred years ago
> i think it was everywhere here in Germany, and i think also in
> France.  Beautiful Greece!!
>  <>:
>   ...
>  |s-nail v14.9.24, 2022-03-26 (built for Linux)
>  |Features included (+) or not (-):
>  ...
>  [.]+filter-html-tagsoup[.]
>  ...
>  |and this code in my .mailrc
>  |
>  | if "$features" !% ,+filter-html-tagsoup,
>  |              set pipe-text/html='?* lynx -stdin -dump -force_html'
>  |            endif
>  |
>  |            mimetype ?t application/mathml+xml mathml
>  |
>  |            define showhtml {
>  |              \localopts yes
>  |              \set mime-alternative-favour-rich pipe-text/html=?h?
>  |              \type "$@"
>  |}
>  |            \commandalias html \\call showhtml
>  |
>  |nothing happens when I open html email. Any help?
> With "open" you mean the "type" or "print" command?
> As you do have that filter-html-tagsoup lynx(1) will never execute
> in the above -- it solely depends on the mimetype, then.
> And it may be that you have a /etc/mime.types or ~/mime.types
> which defines something for html in addition to internal
> mimetypes.
> But in short: simply force your desired handler:
>   ? set pipe-text/html='?* lynx -stdin -dump -force_html'
>   ? type HTML-MESSAGE
> This should execute the lynx one now, reintegrating output into
> normal flow (with "set crt" this will likely startup the $PAGER
> then).  This is for plain HTML message, a multipart one likely
> wants to have a "set mime-alternative-favour-rich" first.
>   ? set pipe-text/html='?! lynx -stdin -force_html'
>   ? type HTML-MESSAGE
> (Do not forget the "!" so we give up the terminal!)
> This will then say you should use the `mimeview' command.
>   ? mimeview HTML-MESSAGE
> This will ask you, and if you say "y" then lynx starts up.
> Using a mailcap entry may be the easier and sharable approach.
> Does this help?  Sufficiently?
> Using a mailcap handler is usually better and sharable, and
> mimetype tricks can also be played, like
>   ? unmimetype text/html
>   ? mimetype ?h text/html html htm
>   ? type HTML-MESSAGE
> And unless i am mistaken now the built-in filter-html-tagsoup
> should be used.
> Ciao (may be off until tomorrow now, sorry!!!),
> --steffen
> |
> |Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
> |der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
> |einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
> |(By Robert Gernhardt)

It works with
set mime-alternative-favour-rich
set pipe-text/html='?! lynx -stdin -force_html'

eg ? mimeview 5 

I didn't add ? type HTML-MESSAGE in .mailrc because of the error message
Thank you!

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