Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:

> Χάρης Καραχριστιανίδης wrote in
>  <>:
>  |Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:
>  |> Χάρης Καραχριστιανίδης wrote in
>  |>  <>:
>  |>|Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:
>  |>|> Χάρης Καραχριστιανίδης wrote in
>  |>|>  <>:
>  |>|>|Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:
>  |>|>|> Χάρης Καραχριστιανίδης wrote in
>  |>  ...
>  |>|For message "s-nail: type: needs an active mailbox" how should my \
>  |>|mailbox \
>  |>|be? Everything in my .mailrc points to the web imap folder.
>  |> 
>  |> Must be connected, then.
>  |> If the connection breaks, and the code recognizes it, there is no
>  |> "active mailbox" no more, and the above message appears.  You need
>  |> to switch to another folder then.  (v15 will improve this a bit.
>  |> BUT will have no IMAP for a while. :))
>  ...
>  |I pointed MBOX to imap but the message still appears..
>  |
>  |Thank you for help!
>  |
>  |account otenet {
>  |   set MAIL=$HOME/.mail/account1/
>  |   set smtp-use-starttls
>  |   set mta=smtp://
>  |   set from="xxxx <xxxxx...@xxxxxx.xx>"
>  |   set folder=.mail/account1
> Now you confuse me.  You want this to be on IMAP, right?
> There are examples in the manual, btw.
>  |   set MBOX=imaps://imap.xxxxxx.xx:xxx
>  |   set record=imaps://imap.xxxxxx.xx:xxx/Sent
>  |   set inbox=imaps://imap.xxxxxx.xx:xxx
> It is *inbox* _or_ $MAIL.
>  |   set imap-keepalive=240
>  |   set imap-cache=~/.mail/.imap_cache
>  |   shortcut imap imaps://imap.xxxxxx.xx:xxx
>  |}
>   set v15-compat=y
>   account otenet {
>      set smtp-use-starttls
>      set mta=smtp://
>      set from="xxxx <xxxxx...@xxxxxx.xx>"
>      set folder=imaps://imap.xxxxxx.xx:xxx
>      set inbox=$folder
>      set MBOX=+
> Though - primary and secondary being the same is something i had
> to think about.  (Ie, implications, whether it works.  But in
> modern mail usage MBOX is usually not used.  Why do you want it?)
>      set record=+Sent
>      set imap-keepalive=240
>      set imap-cache=~/.mail/.imap_cache
>      shortcut imap +
> But instead simply say "file @" or "file +", easier in your
> example i would think.
>       set netrc-lookup
> You said you have stored user and password in ~/.netrc.
>   }
> If you then run "s-nail -A otenet" you should go via internet to
> $inbox aka $folder immediately.
> If that fails because connection fails then there will be no
> active mailbox and the above message occurs.
> You could try "s-nail -A otenet -vv" and look whether connection
> an authentication succeeds.
> The above (more or less) should really work.
>  --End of <>
> Ciao,
> --steffen
> |
> |Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
> |der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
> |einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
> |(By Robert Gernhardt)

Here is my .mailrc after following your suggestions (I think). Much smaller and 
cleaner! Could some options go out of the 2 accounts and put them before the 
accounts? Like set smtp-use-starttls or set imap-keepalive=240
   set imap-cache=~/.mail/.imap_cache ?

Thank you!!!

set v15-compat=y
set netrc-lookup

set mime-alternative-favour-rich
set pipe-text/html='?! lynx -stdin -force_html'

colour 256 view-header ft=bold,fg=111 subject,from
colour 256 view-partinfo fg=2
colour 256 view-msginfo fg=1
#colour 256 sum-dotmark   fg=204,ft=bold dot
#colour 256 sum-header    fg=39 older
#colour 256 sum-header    fg=39,ft=reverse dot
#colour 256 sum-header    fg=45
colour 256 sum-thread    fg=39,ft=bold,ft=reverse dot
colour 256 sum-thread    fg=172
colour 256 view-from_    fg=142
#colour 256 view-header   fg=214,ft=bold from,subject
colour 256 view-header   fg=214 author,cc,sender,to
colour 256 view-header   fg=217 reply-to,mail-followup-to,user-agent
colour 256 view-header   fg=219
#colour 256 view-msginfo  fg=76,ft=bold
#colour 256 view-partinfo fg=76
#colour 256 mle-position  fg=203,ft=reverse
#colour 256 mle-prompt    fg=203
#colour 256 mle-error     bg=124

account account1 {
   set smtp-use-starttls
   set mta=smtp://mailgate.xxxxxx.xx
   set from="xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx <xxxxx...@xxxxxx.xx>"
   set record=@Sent
   set inbox=imaps://imap.xxxxxx.xx:993
   set imap-keepalive=240
   set imap-cache=~/.mail/.imap_cache
   commandalias oi 'account account1'
   commandalias os 'fi @Sent'
   commandalias mi 'account account2'

account account2 {
   set smtp-use-starttls
   set mta=smtp://mail.xxxxxxxxx.xx
   set from="xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxν <x...@xxxxx.xx>"
   set message-inject-tail=$'\n----------- \nXX XXXXXXXX \nXXXXX 
   set record=@Sent
   set inbox=imaps://mail.xxxxxxxxxx.xx:993
   set imap-keepalive=240
   set imap-cache=~/.mail/.imap_cache
   shortcut imap imaps://mail.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx:993
   commandalias mi 'account account2'
   commandalias ms 'fi @Sent'
   commandalias oi 'account account1'

alias x1 xxxxx...@xxxxxx.xx
alias dk zzzzzz...@zzzzz.zz

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