Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:

> Χάρης Καραχριστιανίδης wrote in
>  <>:
>  |Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:
>  |> Χάρης Καραχριστιανίδης wrote in
>  |>  <>:
>  |>|Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:
>  |>|> Χάρης Καραχριστιανίδης wrote in
>  |>|>  <>:
>  |>|>|Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:
>  |>|>|> Χάρης Καραχριστιανίδης wrote in
>  |>|>|>  <>:
>  |>|>|>|Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:
>  |>|>|>|> Χάρης Καραχριστιανίδης wrote in
>  ...

> Unfortunately commandalias, alias, shortcut, bind, colours etc etc
> are all not yet covered by "local"(opts), so that you really have
> to overwrite the things again when you switch off.
> I often use the on-account-cleanup hook for that, so that i am
> sure all account-specifics are gone in the "global namespace"
> / other accounts, but i look forward to get that implemented,
> finally.  (Not v14.10 most likely, though.  Unfortunately.)
>   define oac {
>     uncommandalias oi os mi
>     unshortcut imap
>   }
> Local "define"s (aka in other macros) is also not yet supported.
>  |   commandalias mi 'account account2'
>       set on-account-cleanup=oac

Is define oac really needed? I have shortcuts that are different between the 2 
accounts and shortcuts that are same, but they are shoertcuts for the exact 
same thing in both accounts.

>  |   set from="xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxν <x...@xxxxx.xx>"
>  |   set message-inject-tail=$'\n----------- \nXX XXXXXXXX \nXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX\
>  |   '
>  |   set record=@Sent
>  |   set inbox=imaps://mail.xxxxxxxxxx.xx:993
>  |   set imap-keepalive=240
>  |   set imap--cache=~/.mail/.imap_cache
> Typo? 

Yes imap--cache was a typo, thank you!

> Well it looks quite ok i would say.

Thanks to you! :-)

PS1 As you may have noticed I learned the ~e function!
PS2 I uninstalled mutt today!
PS3 Thank you for this great program!!

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