after testing some time it is yes way better, like 100x better. but there 
became new problems. ofc i expected this to came. :) 
We need find now where we can do a retry on HMAC, it is totally random, and 
when that comes first time the filesystem becames read only, *after first 
HMAC message comes there cannot be written on filesystem* until run fsck 
and remount it. there is nothing more coming onto log. i was running 
intensity media metacheck on drive. well it seems i cant do it. ALL IS 
Releated read problems, it just should retry when get bad data but it has 
not doing it, it just make problems or crash. there is none error chekking 
on the code atm.

2017-04-02 00:31:20.311 2188:fuse-worker-11 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 00:33:52.621 2188:fuse-worker-29 s3ql.fs._readwrite: Backend 
returned malformed data for block 13 of inode 10785 (HMAC mismatch)
2017-04-02 00:39:44.771 2188:fuse-worker-4 s3ql.fs._readwrite: Backend 
returned malformed data for block 0 of inode 10782 (HMAC mismatch)
2017-04-02 00:40:50.619 2188:fuse-worker-3 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 00:41:01.669 2188:fuse-worker-3 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 01:07:34.093 2188:fuse-worker-16 s3ql.fs._readwrite: Backend 
returned malformed data for block 16 of inode 10773 (HMAC mismatch)
2017-04-02 01:10:36.720 2188:fuse-worker-20 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 01:10:49.613 2188:fuse-worker-20 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 01:11:01.563 2188:fuse-worker-20 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 01:11:31.853 2188:fuse-worker-20 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 01:36:53.096 2188:fuse-worker-12 s3ql.fs._readwrite: Backend 
returned malformed data for block 0 of inode 6530 (HMAC mismatch)
2017-04-02 01:42:52.386 2188:fuse-worker-27 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 01:42:58.635 2188:fuse-worker-27 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 01:53:09.669 2188:fuse-worker-8 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 02:42:53.766 2188:fuse-worker-22 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 02:43:04.944 2188:fuse-worker-22 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 02:43:20.940 2188:fuse-worker-22 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 02:43:53.985 2188:fuse-worker-22 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 02:51:18.443 2188:fuse-worker-27 s3ql.fs._readwrite: Backend 
returned malformed data for block 7 of inode 7141 (HMAC mismatch)
2017-04-02 02:56:49.378 2188:fuse-worker-3 s3ql.fs._readwrite: Backend 
returned malformed data for block 15 of inode 7129 (HMAC mismatch)
2017-04-02 02:58:07.603 2188:fuse-worker-20 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 02:58:16.970 2188:fuse-worker-20 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 03:13:59.453 2188:fuse-worker-30 s3ql.fs._readwrite: Backend 
returned malformed data for block 0 of inode 7164 (HMAC mismatch)
2017-04-02 03:22:43.542 2188:fuse-worker-15 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 03:59:14.248 2188:fuse-worker-4 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 04:02:26.486 2188:fuse-worker-23 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 04:14:04.004 2188:fuse-worker-16 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 04:14:10.287 2188:fuse-worker-16 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 04:14:27.620 2188:fuse-worker-16 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 04:14:49.440 2188:fuse-worker-16 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 04:15:24.850 2188:fuse-worker-16 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 04:17:07.127 2188:fuse-worker-16 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 04:19:13.815 2188:fuse-worker-16 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 04:20:07.171 2188:fuse-worker-16 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying

*Also there is another crash came 70 OSerror but this is releated on or something else*

2017-04-02 04:20:07.171 2188:fuse-worker-16 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 04:23:01.560 2188:fuse-worker-16 s3ql.backends.local._read_meta: 
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send, retrying
2017-04-02 05:45:45.014 12311:Metadata-Upload-Thread File 
system unchanged, not uploading metadata.
2017-04-02 05:45:46.216 12370:Metadata-Upload-Thread File 
system unchanged, not uploading metadata.
2017-04-02 05:46:19.323 2188:fuse-worker-10 llfuse.(unknown function): 
handler raised <class 'OSError'> exception ([Errno 70] Communication error 
on send), terminating main loop.
2017-04-02 05:46:19.781 2188:MainThread s3ql.mount.unmount: Unmounting file 
2017-04-02 05:46:19.911 2188:MainThread root.excepthook: Uncaught top-level 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/s3ql/s3ql-2.21_modattu/src/s3ql/", line 744, in 
    el = self.cache[(inode, blockno)]
KeyError: (8619, 0)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/s3ql/s3ql-2.21_modattu/bin/mount.s3ql", line 26, in <module>
  File "/root/s3ql/s3ql-2.21_modattu/src/s3ql/", line 213, in main
  File "src/fuse_api.pxi", line 343, in llfuse.main (src/llfuse.c:35968)
  File "src/handlers.pxi", line 322, in llfuse.fuse_read 
  File "src/handlers.pxi", line 323, in llfuse.fuse_read 
  File "/root/s3ql/s3ql-2.21_modattu/src/s3ql/", line 1043, in read
    tmp = self._readwrite(fh, offset, length=length)
  File "/root/s3ql/s3ql-2.21_modattu/src/s3ql/", line 1120, in 
    with self.cache.get(id_, blockno) as fh:
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 59, in __enter__
    return next(self.gen)
  File "/root/s3ql/s3ql-2.21_modattu/src/s3ql/", line 722, in 
    el = self._get_entry(inode, blockno)
  File "/root/s3ql/s3ql-2.21_modattu/src/s3ql/", line 779, in 
    backend.perform_read(do_read, 's3ql_data_%d' % obj_id)
  File "/root/s3ql/s3ql-2.21_modattu/src/s3ql/backends/", line 
108, in wrapped
    return method(*a, **kw)
  File "/root/s3ql/s3ql-2.21_modattu/src/s3ql/backends/", line 
319, in perform_read
    res = fn(fh)
  File "/root/s3ql/s3ql-2.21_modattu/src/s3ql/", line 768, in 
    shutil.copyfileobj(fh, el, BUFSIZE)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 73, in copyfileobj
    buf =
  File "/root/s3ql/s3ql-2.21_modattu/src/s3ql/backends/", line 
594, in read
    buf = self._read_and_decrypt(size - len(outbuf))
  File "/root/s3ql/s3ql-2.21_modattu/src/s3ql/backends/", line 
549, in _read_and_decrypt
    buf =
OSError: [Errno 70] Communication error on send

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