On Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 12:34 PM Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> - Some people with strong opinions said that they are not ready to formulate 
>> their views.
>> My impression is that trac is now doing okay,
> Note that trac's bus factor is down to 1/3. It took efforts of Frederick, 
> Jan, and me to put it into the present state.
> Any kind of system upgrade, or VM infrastructure update, or something else, 
> may break it,
> with all 3 of us possibily needed to repair it. Maybe we'd manage, maybe not.

This is very relevant, since Google is charging us an *extra* $100
month for some mysterious artifact caused by
an ancient App Engine test that was done in 2018.  There is absolutely
no possible way to disable that charge,
as I confirmed after a dozen emails back and forth using my serious
Google support contract from work -- the
only option is to completely delete all current infrastructure and
migrate it to a new project.  This is scary
because "Any kind of system upgrade, or VM infrastructure update,  or
something else, may break it,", and
yet exactly that needs to happen to stop this charge.   Yes, I am
trying to get  Google to credit our account for
the unfair charge, but that hasn't succeeded yet either, as Google
clearly isn't "officially not evil" in an ethical
sense anymore.

Just the price for Google Cloud for trac right now is the same as the
professional GitHub Teams subscription for an org
with around  50 people, which we don't need (since open source), but
it's a relevant comparison.

> I don't think it is an acceptable state of affairs, and that's why it really 
> is strange for me that we are bothering with the vote at all.

I'm extremely appreciative that the sage devs such as Dima are taking
the very real problems of Sage's
dev infrastructure so very seriously right now.


William (http://wstein.org)

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