On Sun, Sep 18, 2022 at 10:27 AM Matthias Koeppe
<matthiaskoe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sunday, September 18, 2022 at 10:14:26 AM UTC-7 Nils Bruin wrote:
>> On Saturday, 17 September 2022 at 17:55:10 UTC-7 Matthias Koeppe wrote:
>>> The conversion of the Trac tickets to GitHub Issues/PRs only works in one 
>>> shot. Incrementally syncing updates from Trac to existing issues is not 
>>> possible.
>> Migration *to* GH is one thing, but as has been pointed out, we should have 
>> an exit strategy as well, or at least an idea of a roadmap to move from 
>> github to elsewhere. The code itself is trivial to move: it's a git repo. 
>> However, as has been shown in the past, the discussions (now in tickets on 
>> trac, but if moved in issues and PRs) can sometimes be of immense value as 
>> well. I suppose that if moving from GH to GL is as trivial as claimed 
>> before, GH must have a way of exporting issues and PRs.
>> Would someone be able to give an informed assessment or a feasibility study 
>> of extracting issues and PRs from GH? How searchable are they and how do 
>> cross-links survive an extraction (also important for trac-to-GH)? 
>> Presently, trac is fairly searchable due to its own search functions plus 
>> its general indexing by google's search engine. Hopefully we'd have 
>> something at least matching that for GH.
>> Perhaps part of our setup should also be that we "backup" this part of our 
>> github setup: githubs own infrastructure is of course excellently resilient 
>> against technological problems but a new failure mode is introduced due to 
>> their governance and policy: in the extremely unlikely event that sagemath 
>> on GH would get "locked" due to a misunderstanding (or malice?) we might not 
>> be at their mercy for extracting our valuable history.
> I agree that it would be valuable to add at least some starting points in 
> this direction.
> As a beginning, I have created the section:
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/wiki/migration-from-trac-to-Git**b#retrieving-data-from-github
> to include the link https://docs.github.com/en/rest to GitHub's REST API, 
> which gives access to everything and is extremely well documented.

I used this GitHub REST API a lot recently to implement proxying of
content from GitHub to CoCalc, and it is indeed *extremely* good.

This is a 3 minute video demoing importing github repos to gitlab,
which emphasizes answers to a lot of natural frequent questions
(involving users, issue comments, labels, etc.):


In my experience, the search built into GitHub is at least 10x (or
maybe 100x?) faster than our trac search, e.g., try searching
https://trac.sagemath.org/search  versus
https://github.com/python/cpython/issues .    In addition GitHub's
advanced search capabilities are useful (in terms of sorting, refining
queries, querying by label, etc.).

William (http://wstein.org)

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