Hello Travis,

Thank you for the prompt answer. I think that this is a good time to talk a
little about myself and my experience with algebra and quantum in general. 
the 10-th grade in highschool I have take an graduate course in quantum
mechanics and one in algebra because i was participating in a experimental
physics challenge by the CERN institute. Even though i have ever have always
had an affinity for mathematics and theoretical work i have decided to go 
engineering.  In my first year in the university I have had the chance to 
Pantelimon George Popescu a great teacher and scientist with whom i am 
right now on numerical methods research, as a research assistant.  He is the
one that introduced me to this field of quantum computing and he is helping 
each step of the way. I have encounter the Lie super-algebra for the first 
in highschool when i researched about the Higgs bosons (From my perspective
they should have won the Nobel prize). Even though i am an engineer by 
design I
will always stay true to the mathematical and researched background. I am
really passionate about the theory of groups and their applications(as you 
probably already seen i am more concerned about the applications of the 
that i am doing rather that their mathematical beauty) and right now i am
working together with mathematical and numerical methods professors.  I 
like this project because i feel that a quantum revolution is upon us and I
will be more than excited to be a part of it. I have some experience in C,
Python, Cython, Matlab etc.( more that 20k lines of code) but I do not 
myself to be a good fit in pure programming writing task. I like more the 
where i need to thing about what i am writing that the simple 
details. For example last weekend I was part of a hackathlon where we have
developed a signature forgery detection software and i have spent all the 
24 h
developing the algorithm for signature checking (the novelty of the idea 
from checking the signature in real time not just after you have written 
Regarding your questions about my experience with representation theory and
algebra i have been a part of some teams that are working with concept from
this fields and i think i have a strong base. I do not know how deeply 
in this concepts you want me to be and i think the best idea for me and this
project as well is for us to have a discussion to better understand your 
and also it will be a good opportunity for you to evaluate my knowledge of 
field. If you will not find in me a suit for this project please point me to
one that will better suite my experience and interests. Giving the fact that
your entire platform and all of the GSoC project are more research 
orientated I
would love to work for you this summer.

Also please feel free to find my resume attached.

Kind regards,

PS: I have send an request to tracker to start solving tickets but it has 
been approved.  What should i do?

joi, 8 martie 2018, 13:23:50 UTC+2, tsc...@ucdavis.edu a scris:
> Dear Tiberiu,
>    While I am not an expert on quantum computing, nor do I know the full 
> reach of Lie superalgebras, I am unaware of how quantum computing and Lie 
> superalgebras are related. Now Lie superalgebras have strong connections 
> with quantum field theory, that is far beyond the scope of what I was 
> thinking and would likely be something that would be built upon the 
> framework developed here at a much later date. In fact, I'm not sure how 
> much we can even compute using Lie algebras and QFT/CFT.
> I believe this project needs is also someone who fully understands linear 
> algebra and has experience with representation theory (of algebras) in 
> order to be successful. In particular, most of the algorithms are build 
> around linear algebra. I would prefer someone who has seen graded algebras 
> and/or Lie (super)algebras in some from as well. Now I believe you need a 
> strong background in linear algebra for quantum computing, what your 
> proposal will need to do more so is convince me that you have the 
> representation theory and algebra knowledge to be successful.
> Best,
> Travis
> On Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at 8:03:32 AM UTC-6, Lepadatu Tiberiu Andrei 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am Tiberiu Lepadatu, a second year student at the UPB, Romania. I have 
>> a strong     
>> interest in numerical methods and mathematics. My interest in 
>> mathematics        
>> derives form my interes in quantum computation. Right now i am doing a 
>> masters   
>> course in quantum computing. I am actively involved in numerical methods  
>> research and i love reading about what new things have been developed. I 
>> have                                                                        
>> discovered your project by looking for a better alternative for Octave 
>> for          
>> research purposes. I have an interest in applied mathematics and i think 
>> that a   
>> tool for Lie superalgebra is imperative providing that the quantum field 
>> is         
>> becoming to be the center of debate for the scientific comunity. I have 
>> started  
>> looking through the sage code and i thing that i have a brod 
>> understanding of       
>> how it works. I also started learning cython (i am quite good in c and 
>> python so  
>> this should not be something to hard). I think that an good 
>> implementation of       
>> Lie super algebras will be an interesting topic to follow and i will be 
>> honored  
>> if you give me the chance to do it over the summer as part of gsoc. Last 
>> year I   
>> was working last year almost everyday for nautilus (gnome file manager, 
>> written  
>> in C). Not as part GSOC but rather as a hobby. I feel like it is a quick  
>> language to develop in. Also giving my academic background i feel that i 
>> can        
>> learn new things pretty fast.                                            
>> Kind regards,
>> Tiberiu Lepadatu 
>> PS: Sorry for the spelling errors, English is not 
>> my mother tongue and i am quite dyslexic.                                

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