On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 5:51 AM, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I like the way the proposed patch wipes the slate fairly clean.  But I
>> > sort of hope it is temporary and at some point a rational autosave
>> > strategy of some sort is implemented.    There was an attempt to not
> The only issue is that there is no guarantee that the autosave, in
> some "rational" form, will ever come back if this patch is merged,
> because it depends on the people who understand that code enough to do
> it.  This seems problematic.  But for now even reducing the default
> number autosaved to 100, or 30, or 2, or some integer greater than
> zero, would seem to be a good strategy.  E.g. for power outages or
> battery failures or whatever.

Even with the patch we're discussing, the total number of snapshots
produced by people on sagenb.org in the last 20 hours is over 10,000:

s...@sagenb:~/sagenb$ ls -1 */worksheets/*/*/snapshots/*|wc -l

So it really doesn't cut down on them very much.   Of course a lot of
people use sagenb.org, e.g., well over 100 distinct uses just
*yesterday*, and over 7200 registered users.

I also like the idea to reduce the total max number of autosaved to
some fixed number, e.g., 30.

 -- William

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