
I'm trying to show my students a plot of
a rational function whose graph is basically 1,
so I plotted
f(x) = (x^2+0.0001)/(x^2+0.0001000001)
However, there is a problem: Note the difference between
plot((x^2+0.0001)/(x^2+0.0001000001), (x,-10,10))
(which dips down near x=0) and
plot((x^2+0.0001)/(x^2+0.0001000001), (x,-10,10), ymin = -0.1, ymax = 1.5)
(which basically looks like a straight line).
Same problem for lists:

sage: L = [(x/100, f(x/100)) for x in range(-100, 100)]
sage: list_plot(L)                      # bug?
sage: list_plot(L, ymin=-0.5, ymax=1.5) # good

This is using 'SageMath version 10.3.rc1, Release Date: 2024-02-29' on an
ubuntu machine. Can anyone tell what is going on here? I'm happy to
attached jpgs of the plots I get, if desired.

For comparison, it appears that Sympy plots this correctly.

- David Joyner

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