On 14 March 2024 21:09:22 GMT, Nils Bruin <nbr...@sfu.ca> wrote:
>I get the impression that without setting ymin,ymax you just end up with a
>tiny range for the y-axis and its labelling is just very weird. I think the
>labels displayed are shifted and scaled. So the error is just how the
>labels are printed. That looks the same as
Good catch! So it seems indeed the same story, just on the microscale. With the
patch from #34233 I get essentially the same graph, but with extra 10^-9
or something like this printed above the graph.
So when x is very close to 0 one indeed sees this "sharp" drop, by 10^9 or
>The default behaviour would be to derive ymin and ymax from the sampled
>points, and in your point plot example, those values vary from 1-1e-6 to
>1+0e-6. So I think the range is derived appropriately. The labels on the
>y-axis are just printed in a misguided way.
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