#9896: Upgrading from 4.5.3 to 4.6.alpha* can fail (not limited to MacOS X)
   Reporter:  jhpalmieri      |       Owner:  GeorgSWeber                       
       Type:  defect          |      Status:  needs_review                      
   Priority:  blocker         |   Milestone:  sage-4.6                          
  Component:  build           |    Keywords:  upgrade update dependencies PARI 
     Author:  Leif Leonhardy  |    Upstream:  N/A                               
   Reviewer:                  |      Merged:  sage-4.6.rc0                      
Work_issues:                  |  

Comment(by leif):

 Replying to [comment:138 leif]:
 > Despite that, I guess there are still missing dependencies in
 {{{module_list.py}}} that will come into play when e.g. updating MPIR
 (#8664). (I primarily addressed upgrading to the new PARI on this ticket;
 more changes should IMHO be made on other / the respective spkg tickets.)

 !NumPy and !SciPy (#9808) are other candidates.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/9896#comment:139>
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