
Jeff Payne and I were talking about this last night. Jeff's position was,
"...Or, you could just use the existing quality assurance terminology and
avoid the problem altogether." I agree with you and him; standardizing
terminology is a great start to obviating confusing discussions about what
type of problem the software faces.

Re-reading my post, I realize that it came off as heavy support for
additional terminology. Truth is, we've found that the easiest way to
communicate this concept to our Consultants and Clients here at Cigital has
been to build the two buckets (flaws and bugs).

What I was really trying to present was that Security people could stand to
be a bit more thorough about how they synthesize the results of their
analysis before they communicate the vulnerabilities they've found, and what
mitigating strategies they suggest.

I guess, in my mind, the most important things with regard to classifying
the mistakes software people make that lead to vulnerability (the piety of
vulnerability taxonomies aside) is to support:

1) Selection of the most effective mitigating strategy -and-
2) Root cause analysis that will result in changes in software development
that prevent software folk from making the same mistake again.

John Steven        
Principal, Software Security Group
Technical Director, Office of the CTO
703 404 5726 - Direct | 703 727 4034 - Cell
Cigital Inc.          | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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> From: "Wall, Kevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> John Steven wrote:
> ...
>> 2) Flaws are different in important ways bugs when it comes to presentation,
>> prioritization, and mitigation. Let's explore by physical analog first.
> Crispin Cowan responded:
>> I disagree with the word usage. To me, "bug" and "flaw" are exactly
>> synonyms. The distinction being drawn here is between "implementation
>> flaws" vs. "design flaws". You are just creating confusing jargon to
>> claim that "flaw" is somehow more abstract than "bug". Flaw ::= defect
>> ::= bug. A vulnerability is a special subset of flaws/defects/bugs that
>> has the property of being exploitable.
> I'm not sure if this will clarify things or further muddy the waters,
> but... partial definitions taken SWEBOK
> (
> which in turn were taken from the IEEE standard glossary
> (IEEE610.12-90) are:
> + Error: "A difference.between a computed result and the correct result"
> + Fault: "An incorrect step, process, or data definition
>           in a computer program"
> + Failure: "The [incorrect] result of a fault"
> + Mistake: "A human action that produces an incorrect result"
> Not all faults are manifested as errors. I can't find an online
> version of the glossary anywhere, and the one I have is about 15-20 years old
> and buried somewhere deep under a score of other rarely used books.
> My point is though, until we start with some standard terminology this
> field of information security is never going to mature. I propose that
> we build on the foundational definitions of the IEEE-CS (unless there
> definitions have "bugs" ;-).
> -kevin
> ---
> Kevin W. Wall  Qwest Information Technology, Inc.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: 614.215.4788
> "The reason you have people breaking into your software all
> over the place is because your software sucks..."
>  -- Former whitehouse cybersecurity advisor, Richard Clarke,
>     at eWeek Security Summit

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