At 8:45 AM -0500 12/30/06, Leichter, Jerry wrote:

> [MJoderator:  This is likely beyond the point of general interest to sc-l]

Actually, I disagree, in that it seems to expose a set of vulnerabilities
not known even to language implementors.

> On Fri, 29 Dec 2006, ljknews wrote:

> | But these are problems that have been solved by those who provided the
> | Ada implementation (ACT and Aonix come to mind for Unix), and thus are
> | not an issue for the high level language programmer.

> Presumably they do the create-the-file-and-immediately-delete-it trick.
> Since the file must, however briefly, have an entry in some directory.
> General purpose code can't make assuptions about what directories
> are available for writing, so pretty much has to put the entry in
> a known, public place - almost always /tmp or /var/tmp.  Unless one
> does this very carefully, it's open to various attacks.  (For one
> trivial example, there is no way to tell the open() call to *always*
> create a new file - you can only tell it "if the file already exists,
> don't open it, return an error instead".  The code had better check
> for that error and do something appropriate or it can be fooled into
> using a file an attacker created and already has access to.)

Certainly code that does not check for errors is inadequate.

> The techniques for doing this are complex enough - and the attacks
> if you don't do it *exactly* right obscure enough - that after all
> these years, attacks based on "insecure temporary file creation"
> are still reported regularly.  (Frankly, even though I know that
> these problems exist, if you were to ask me to write a secure
> temporary file creator right now, I wouldn't try - I'd look for
> some existing code, because I doubt I'd get it right.)

Which is what one does when using the existing language implementation
(except for the defect reported by Florian Weimer in this thread.
Larry Kilgallen
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