hi neil,

For what it's worth, there is a list of universities with some kind of software 
security curriculum on page 98 of "Software Security" <http://swsec.com>.  
Remember, this list was created in 2006, and lots of other universities have 
jumped on the bandwagon since then.

* University of California at Davis
* University of Virginia
* Johns Hopkins University
* Princeton University
* Purdue University (especially the CERIAS center)
* Rice University
* University of California at Berkeley
* Stanford University
* Naval Postgraduate School (a military school for graduates)
* University of Idaho
* Iowa State University
* George Washington University
* United States Military Academy at West Point

Matt Bishop made some excellent points in this thread.  He and I discuss the 
notion of education versus training at length in Silver Bullet episode 31 
<http://www.cigital.com/silverbullet/show-031/> part of which was transcribed 
here <http://www.cigital.com/silverbullet/shows/silverbullet-031-mbishop.pdf>.


company www.cigital.com
book www.swsec.com

On 8/19/09 5:15 PM, "Neil Matatall" <nmata...@uci.edu> wrote:

Inspired by the "What is the size of this list?" discussion, I decided I won't 
be a lurker :)

A question prompted by 
 and the OWASP podcast mentions

So where does secure coding belong in the curriculum?

Higher Ed?  High School?

Undergrad? Grad? Extension?

I started a discussion in the Educause group on linked in.  I guess it requires 
authentication and possibly group membership: 

It looks like some Universities are offering courses now...


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