Hello Fulvio,

you are right, pre move comments make sense only in certain situations. In a
normal case without variations you cannot even decide whether a comment is a
pre- or post move one.
But I can make my point more obvious:

1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 g6 {This is a bad move because there are a lot of
better alternatives} (3... e5 {is the most solid one} 4. Nf3) ({also
playable is} 3... c6 4. f4) 
{All these variations show that g6 is not the best. Let see how White can
make use of it.} 4. f4 *

All these comments make sense and lose their sense if they are  moved to a
different location.

So there are three events where a pre move comment can be useful and where
they can be identified easily:
- before move one
- at the beginning of a variation
- after the end of a variation.
Maybe I have missed another one...


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