Hi Benoit,

please allow me me to spend some words about the Scid format and his 
capabilities, I have excellent knowledge about this format, and about the 
development of chess database formats in general.

> Implementing 360 would require a complete revision of SCID format:

No, it wouldn't, the Scid format is able to store Chess960 games, but not in 
an optimal way, because you have to store the starting position (FEN), and 
this is not memory friendly. Storing the Chess960 castling is not a problem, 
here there is no difference to the standard castling (when storing). Shortly: 
support of Chess960 is possible, but a more suitable database format would be 
desirable for this.

The most effort is the overwork of the move generator, and some overwork of the 
GUI board, it's a lot of work, and requires a good knowledge of the code base, 
the castling rules of Chess960 are quite difficult to implement.

Furthermore some words about the Wiki page 

> [ShaneHudson] found how to store chess moves using only one byte, i.e. 8-

Not entirely correct, for diagonal queen moves the Scid format needs two 

> Modern computers have now a lot of memory and speed, so saving bits is a 
little out of fashion

As a developer of a chess database application I cannot agree, it's still 
important to save bits (better: bytes). I did some real experiments with a two 
byte format, and the performance was worse compared to the (nearly) one byte 
format. The two byte format is not bad and more comfortable - I'm using a two 
byte format in C/CIF, here a one byte format is insufficient, C/CIF is also 
storing (nearly) any chess variant, and any board size  - but a chess database 
needs high performance, even in space.

> the 1-byte format makes chess960 and illegal moves difficult to store...

I cannot agree, Scidb's format (quite close to Scid's format) don't has 
problems with storing Chess960 and illegal moves, but an illegal move needs in 
general more than one byte, especially if the move is also invalid (e.g. Nb1-

> ,,,and the tree search do not go into variations

This is not a restriction by the one-byte format, the problem with the search 
into variations is the complexity in time. The search inside the main line 
will be accelerated with the use of prepared data (stored in index file), the 
search into variations is without any acceleration.

Gregor Cramer

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