Just to clarify.... I did not intend this to be a feature request. More of a side thought up for discussion. ;-)

On 10/21/2018 11:21 PM, Steve A wrote:
Hmmm - Re material in the gameinfo, I think this is the low-down.
At the moment, the gameinfo only shows the material-diff if the material sidebar is disabled. Previously, (and still in SCID) the gameinfo shows the material-diff if the material sidebar is enabled.
But by making this change in the GUI (tcl/main.tcl) it can be overruled
      -material $gameInfo(showMaterial) \
      -material 0 \
Now, the gameinfo will always show the material-diff, regardless.

But i daresay this is a inadequate feature for what Alan would like.
And I'm kindof inclined to leave everything as-is.

*Another* alternative would be to include a little positive number
in the material sidebar (just below or above the pieces) for who ever has the advantage, as sometimes it isn't obvious who has the advantage (eg 3 minor  pieces against rook+3 pawns)


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