Unlock messages prior to December 20th in The Next Generation of High Performance Computing Community To view and search all the messages in your workspace’s history, rather than just the 10,000 most recent, upgrade to one of our paid plans.

The above is the message upon reading the current RockyEL "list"

Start Slack excerpt


https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__blog.centos.org_2020_12_future-2Dis-2Dcentos-2Dstream_-23comment-2D183642&d=DwIDaQ&c=gRgGjJ3BkIsb5y6s49QqsA&r=gd8BzeSQcySVxr0gDWSEbN-P-pgDXkdyCtaMqdCgPPdW1cyL5RIpaIYrCn8C5x2A&m=HtzyTrD1m2oW5C0jBFaEemaeXsAtd99FtMqT7JxFd3k&s=Zap7p8AndJyMm1cL0VoUE5B37Rs0APPUlxTINuW7ndw&e= Some other channels are #rockylinux and #rockylinux-devel on Freenode

End excerpt.

Thus, unlike either the Ubuntu (including LTS) Ask Ubuntu or this SL list that are available without any fee with full archive access, it appears that to get to the RockyEL "list" much older than one calendar week, one must subscribe for a fee. Such a system makes archival information not generally available. If other RockyEL (e.g., #rocky ) readers do not see the paywall message and are not paying a fee (or have an institutional "subscription"), please comment as to how to get the "archives".

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